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英国人的饮食习惯及英文介绍 In the UK we have many different names for mealtimes, including ‘Breakfast’, ‘Brunch’, ‘Elevenses’, ‘Lunch’, ‘Tea’, ‘Dinner’ and ‘Supper’! What people eat and when can vary greatly – in some parts of the UK, people may eat their meals at different times, and in some parts of the UK, ‘dinner’ means ‘lunch’, and ‘supper’ means ‘dinner’! 在英国,一天中的几顿饭都有它们各自的名字,比如breakfast早餐,brunch早午餐,elevenses午前茶,lunch午餐,tea下午茶,dinner(晚餐,正餐),supper晚饭。什么时候该吃什么区别大着呢,在英国的某些地区,人们是在这几个不同的时间点吃饭,而在另一些地方,dinner指的是lunch,supper就是dinner。 Although this may seem very confusing (and it is, even for British people!), many of the names are very old-fashioned, and not often used. ‘Elevenses’ and ‘Tea’ are examples of two old-fashioned snacks that are rarely eaten today. ‘Elevenses’ is eaten at 11:00 am, consisting of cake or biscuits with a cup of tea or coffee. Two traditional characters from English children’s books, Winnie the Pooh and Paddington Bear, used to always ‘take Elevenses’! ‘Tea’ is a very similar meal, and a British tradition, which involves snacking on cakes, with a cup of tea, and is normally eaten between 4:30 and 5:30 pm. 看起来貌似复杂得很(事实正是如此,即使对于英国人来说也一样),很多叫法都早已过时,不怎么被人使用。比如elevenses和tea,这两道茶点现在几乎没什么人享用了。Elevenses一般是在上午11:00,包括一杯一杯茶或咖啡就着蛋糕和饼干吃。童话书《小熊维尼》和《帕丁顿熊》里的两位传统的小主角一直保留着吃午餐前茶点的习惯。Tea下午茶相当于一小顿饭,按照英国传统,这一餐需要一杯茶伴着一些蛋糕佐食,时间一般是下午4:30到5:30之间。 However because people tend to have busy lifestyles in contemporary Britain, we only eat three main meals each day – called breakfast, lunch and dinner. 但由于现在的英国人的生活通常很忙碌,他们一般一天只吃三顿主餐,分别叫breakfast,lunch和dinner。 Nowadays, people usually eat breakfast between 7:00 am and 9:00 am. Breakfast is considered a very important meal, and is essential to having a good start to the day. In fact, once a year there is a weekly campaign called ‘Think Breakfast’ to encourage people to eat better breakfast! The word ‘Breakfast’ comes from an old-fashioned phrase ‘breaking the fast’ (a ‘fast’ means not eating for a long period of time). So breakfast l


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