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Chapter 2: The Project Management Context and Processes;Objectives ;Chapter Outline ;2.1 A Systems View of Project Management;Projects Cannot Be Run In Isolation;A Systems View of Project Management;2.2 Project Phases and the Project Life Cycle;Project Phases and the Project Life Cycle;Phases of the Project Life Cycle;The typical activities in every Phases of the Project Life Cycle;Product Life Cycles;Sample SDLC Models;Spiral Model of Software Development (Boehm, 1988);Distinguishing Project Life Cycles and Product Life Cycles;Example:New Products;The Importance of Project Phases and Management Reviews;What Went Right?;2.3 Understanding Organizations;1.Organization Structure;Functional, Project, and Matrix Organizational Structures;Organization Structure Influences on Projects;Advantages Disadvantages of functional Organization;Advantages Disadvantages of Matrix Organization;Advantages Disadvantages of project Organization;2.Recognize the Importance of Project Stakeholders;2.4 Top Management Commitment;Need for Top Management Commitment;What Helps Projects Succeed?;Need for Organizational Commitment to IT;Need for Organizational Standards;2.5 Suggested Skills for a Project Manager;Define scope of project Identify stakeholders, decision-makers, and escalation procedures Develop detailed task list (work breakdown structures) Estimate time requirements Develop initial project management flow chart Identify required resources and budget ;Most Significant Characteristics of Effective and Ineffective Project Managers;Skills for a Project Manager;2.6 Project Management Process Groups;PM Process Groups;The relations of processes;Overlap of Process Groups in a Phase;Relationships Among Process Groups, Activities, and Knowledge Areas;全甥臼御贞康场头织溶媒鼓品用执哪栖游褪石覆懒绝镣驯乐钠沤腋揩蒲揍华中科技大学《项目管理》第二章课件华中科技大学《项目管理》第二章课件;Discussion;Three Sphere Model for Systems Management;Quick Quiz


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