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;Vocabulary Reading;From the earth over 5000 years civilization of appear since humans have occurred many times war, with billions of people lost their lives in the war, in this 5000 years, the time humans live in a peaceful environment is only 500 years;The price of war;Libya war;;1939.9.1,德国突袭波兰,英法被迫对德宣战,二战全面爆发;The D-Day Landings; D-Day / H-Hour: The terms D-Day and H-Hour are used for the day and hour on which an attack or operation is to be launched. D for the day of the invasion and H for the hour the operation actually begins. ;D日(D-day)是美军常用军事术语,和D日同样常用的另一个军语是H小时(H-hour)。这两个字母用来表示特定作战与行动的开始时间。这种表示有两个意义,第一是表示作战时间尚未确定,第二表示行动计划高度保密.;D与H两个字母分别源于它们所代表的单词 —D=Day,H=Hour,通常,D日用来表示攻 击日,H小时则表示作战开始的具体时间。 在一次特定的作战行动中,D日和H小时都 是惟一的。 ;;Map of D-Day Landings;Ⅰ.课标单词 1.__________(v.)入侵,侵略 2.__________(v.)放弃,抛弃 3.__________(v.)淹死,使溺死 4.__________(adv.)最后,最终 5.__________ 向 宣战 6.__________ 取得重大突破 7. __________(n.) 海滩 8. __________(v.) 占领 9. __________(v.)持续;Read Passage 1 and make notes: The Second World War;Read passage one and answer the following questions;3.What nationality were the troops taking part in the landing? 4.Where was the most dangerous place to land?;1.occupy vt.占,占用;占领,占据 精讲拓展: ①to occupy a house住在一所房子内 ②to occupy a taxi乘出租车 ③to occupy space占空间 ④to occupy a position占位置 ⑤to occupy time占时间 ;活学巧练:完成/翻译句子 (1)The big table occupies too much room.(替换)________ (2)He _________________ (忙于)in writing a book. (3)His speech ______________(用于)only three minutes. (4)床似乎占去了大半个屋子 。 ________________________________________________ ;考 点 解 读 2.abandon v.放弃,抛弃,离弃;逃离;中止 精讲拓展: ① abandon doing sth.放弃做某事 ②abandon hope (of doing sth.)放弃(做……的)希望 ③abandon oneself to沉湎于,放纵(感情) ④abandon a game中止比赛 ;活学巧练: (1)They had abandoned all hopes.(替换)________ (2)In his early days he_____________(放弃)medicine for literature. (3)He_____________


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