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Chapter Two Enquiry;E-C;E-C;C-E;C-E;C-E;;;;1)我方报价有效期至2009年12月31日。在收到订单后45天可以装运,支付方式为不可撤销的即期信用证。 2)由于目前日本厂商的销售代表在市场非常活跃,如果你方不降低价格,想要维持以前的销售量是非常困难的。如果销售量增加,我们会与你方再次联系。 3)由于纯棉衬衫价格有上涨趋势,我们不再进行生产了。现在我方的服装均为化纤与棉混纺,其结实耐用,无需熨烫,图案变化多样。;;;;;;;E-C Translation;C-E Translation;;;;E-C Translation;C-E Translation;;;;E-C;E-C;C-E;C-E;Dear Sirs, We are pleased to inform you that regarding 500 cases of toys under your S/C No. 0908, we have opened the letter of credit No. 908 through the Bank of China, London for USD3,500 valid until 18 June. ? Please see to it that the above goods are shipped before 18 June and the shipment is to be covered for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks. We know that according to your usual practice, you insure the goods against F.P.A., therefore the extra premium will be for our account. ? Could you please arrange accordingly and we look forward to your shipping advice soon. Sincerely yours, ;Dear Sirs, When the ordered goods arrived at port of Tianjin, the ship’s agent noticed that one of the cases was damaged, and notified us accordingly. We immediately had the case opened and the contents examined by a local insurance surveyor in the presence of the ship’s agent. The chinaware of case No13 was badly damaged. ? We enclose the surveyor’s report and the ship’s statement. One case of chinaware will be required. Please arrange to supply these and charge to our account. ? We hope no difficulty will arise in connection with the insurance claim and thank you in advance for your trouble on our behalf. Sincerely yours,;;E-C;E-C;C-E;C-E;Dear Mr. Paul, ? We are now very anxious to know about the shipment of our 10,000 tons of coke which should be shipped before 30 April as contracted. ? Now the shipment date is approaching rapidly, but so far we have not received any information from you concerning this shipment. When we ordered we explicitly pointed out that punctual shipment was of great importance because our customers were in urgent need of the good


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