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1030124雙語新聞 1.大考中心公布103 學年大學學測國文及英文非選擇題閱卷原則,國文作文「通關密語」,只要考生扣緊題旨發揮,對通關的過 程有深刻體會,文筆流暢可以拿到 A 等,英文作文今年是看圖說故事,要考生寫低頭族問題,只要考生能寫出合理的故事結局, 文字流暢,應該有不錯分數。 The College Entrance Examination Center explained the scoring principal for the written examination of subject Chinese and English. For the Chinese composition “Password”, if the writer stayed close to the central idea and realized the deep meaning of the rites of passing, an A would be given provided that the writing is fluent. As for the English composition, this year’s topic is a comic strip about smartphone addicts. If the writer can produce a reasonable ending of the story in fluent writing, a high score will be given. 2. 根據教育部最新統計,102 學年大專校院境外學生在臺留學或研習人數有7萬 8261 人,比101 學年增加1萬 2235 人,成長率 18.53% ;以國家或地區來看,來臺正式修讀學位人數最多是馬來西亞,其次是澳門、香港、中國大陸、以及越南。 Based on the newest statistic from the Ministry of Education, there are seventy-eight thousand, two hundred and sixty-one oversea students currently studying in Taiwan universities. This is twelve thousand, two hundred and thirty-five student more than last year, which is an 18.53% increase. Looking at the countries and regions, Malaysian students are the most prevalent in Taiwan followed by students from Macau, Hong Kong, China, and Vietnam. 3. 2014 南山模擬聯合國會議,昨天(23 )在新北市南山中學揭幕,為期4 天,共有兩岸三地41所高中職,將近 300位學生參加, 每個人要扮演不同國家駐聯合國的外交官,依據國際情勢和自己國家的處境,以英語表達看法。新北市這個學年度將在各高中 推動模擬聯合國會議的培訓課程,預計今年暑假舉辦相關會議,展現學習成果。 Yesterday, the 2014 Nanshan Mock United Nations seminar was launched in New Taipei city Nanshan Junior high school. It will continue for 4 days and has attracted 300 students from 41 high schools and vocational high schools in China and Hong Kong. Each student will role play as an ambassador from a different country, expressing their opinions in English on international welfare and the situation of their respective representing countries. New Taipei City will start a special course on the preparation for the Mock United Nations seminar in hig


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