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Unit 14-Globalization 章节内容: 本章节主要讨论条件句的使用 主要分为: 1. Zero conditional 2. First conditional 3. Second conditional 4. Third conditional 5. Mixed conditional 6. Other conditional structure Zero conditional 1) 表示普遍真理和客观事实: If you heat ice, it melts/will melt. If you pour oil on water, it floats/will float. If the temperature drops to 0 degrees Centigrade, water freezes/will freeze. 上述例子表明:凡表示不受时间人为因素限制的自然法则条 件句,其从句和主句的结构如下: (If)+simple present+(main) simple present/future simple 2) 表示现在习惯动作或情形: If I make a promise, I keep it. If you go to the movies, what kind of movie do you prefer to see? If it rains, I go to work by car. If I don’t eat breakfast, I always get hungry during class. 在上述表示现在习惯的条件句中,从句和主句的动词也都是 一般现在时: (If)+simple present+(main) simple present First conditional 第二类条件句是真实条件句的主体,最普遍,最常用: 1)表示未来真实的特定活动或者情形: If I don’t eat breakfast tomorrow morning, I will get hungry during class. If we catch the 10 o’clock train, we shall get there by lunch time. If I don’t hand in my homework tomorrow, my teacher will punish me. If it rains, we should stay home. If it rains, we might decide to stay home. If it rains, we can’t go out. If it is fine tomorrow, we can have a picnic somewhere. If you wake up before me, give me a call. If you meet some friends of mine in London, introduce yourself to them. If anyone calls, please take a message. 以上可以看出,此类型有三种形式: 1. If从句用一般现在时表将来,主句使用shall/will加动词原形: (If)+simple present+(main) simple future 2. If从句用一般现在时表将来,主句使用情态动词或情态动词短语加动词原形: (If)+simple present+(main) can/should/may/might等+动词原形 3. If从句用一般现在时表将来,主句使用祈使形式 有时候我们可以在if从句中使用should, 此时暗示我们有些许的不确 定(用一般现在时相比),但基本没有大的差别: If anyone should call, please take a message. If it should rain again, the flowers will bloom. If he should come tomorrow, I would tell him everything. If I should be detained, start the program without me. 我们可以在if从句中使用will加动词原形,此处不单纯表示将来,而 是作为表示意愿的情态动词,相当于be willing to(愿意): If you will reserve the seats (=If you are willing to reserve seats),


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