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* 1) 横过,穿过 2)长统靴 3)大陆的,大洲的 4)面向,面对 5)山脉 6)标志性建筑 7)美术馆,画廊 8)坐落(某处)的 across boot continental face range landmark gallery situated 9)象征;符号 10)位于 11)建筑师 12)计划,工程,项目 13)雕刻,泥塑 14)发源地 15)文明 16)古代的 17) 在…对面 symbol located architect project sculpture birthplace civilisation ancient opposite    Great European Cities the Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔 the Parthenon 帕台农神庙 the Uffizi Palace 乌菲齐美术馆 the Sagrada Familia 圣家大教堂 a landmark in Paris an art gallery in Florence a church in Barcelona a building in Athens The Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔 B. The Parthenon 帕台农神庙 C. The Uffizi Palace 乌菲齐美术馆 D. The Sagrada Familia 圣家大教堂 Match the landmarks and the descriptions Go through the passage quickly and roughly and complete the table. Athens Florence Barcelona Paris landmark(s) situation capital (yes/no) country city France Yes the Eiffel Tower the Louvre is situated on the River Seine Spain No the church of the Sagrada Familia is situated on the northest coast Italy No the Uffizi Palace Greece Yes the Parthenon 1.Which of the cities are capital cities? 2.Which one is situated on the coast? 3.Which is famous for its places to eat? 4.Which ones are or were important cities for writers and artists? 5.Which was the world’s greatest city a long time ago? 1.Which of the cities are capital cities? Paris and Athens 2.Which one is situated on the coast? Barcelona 3.Which is famous for its places to eat? Paris 4.Which ones are or were important cities for writers and artists? Paris, Florence and Athens 5.Which was the world’s greatest city a long time ago? Athens Decide if these sentences are true or false 1.?The Eiffel Tower is a tall building in France. ( ) 2.?There are a lot of restaurant


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