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* [多角度演练] 1.用look的相关短语填空 ① the time of the next train in the timetable. ②Here are the books for you to . ③The police have received the complaint, and they are it. 2.完成句子 ④You mustnt (看不起) the disabled. ⑤We (正盼望着见到) you again. ⑥ (把目光从……移开) the accident scene, for the sight is not fit for your eyes. Look up look through lookinginto look down upon are looking forward to seeing Look away from 3.单项填空 ⑦(2011·四川高考)I often ______the words I dont know in the dictionary or on the Internet. A.look up B.look at C.look for D.look into 解析:考查动词短语。 look up “(在词典或参考书中) 查阅”,符合句意。句意:我常在字典里或网上查阅不 认识的单词。look at “看,瞧”;look for“寻找,期待”; look into “调查,审查”。 答案:A 考点5 in addition除此之外,另外 教材 原句 In addition, you need to know how long you should stay, and when you have to leave. 另外,你需要知道该待多久,还有该在何时离开。 When Daisy fell, she hurt her arm and, in addition, broke her glasses. 戴西摔倒时摔伤了胳臂,还摔坏了眼镜。 [辨析比较]  in addition, in addition to in addition 副词短语,表示 “此外”,在句中作状语。与besides(adv.), whats more同义 in addition to 介词短语,to后跟名词、代词或动名词,表示“除了……之外(还)”。从意义上讲,相当于as well as 或besides (prep.) [多角度演练] 1.用in addition/in addition to填空 ①There was an earthquake and, , there were tidal waves. ② an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil. 2.句型转换 ③Besides giving a general introduction to computer, the course also provides practical experience. in addition In addition to (a) giving a general introduction to computer, the course als


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