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What can we do on the Internet? Introduction Fast Reading 4minutes After reading, answer the following questions 1. What is the Internet? 2. How did it start? 3. What is the World Wide Web? 4. Who invented it ? 1.What is the internet? The internet is the biggest source of information (信息 来源)in the world. 2. How did it start? It is accessible through a computer. Language points “包”罗万象看contain 辨析contain与include 1. contain意为“包含;容纳”。指的是包含全部内容或容量;也可指里面包含的成分,常指大的东西里容纳比其小的或不定型的东西。 2. include意为“包含,包括,把…算入”用于表示包括所包含之物中的一部分,其后的宾语往往是主语的一部分。 注意:include还常用including(前置)和included(后置)做插入语,起补充说明的作用。(重点掌握) at the moment 目前;此刻 form that moment on 从那时起 in a moment 立刻;马上 for the moment 目前,暂时 the moment (that)… 一…就… I’m sorry to disturb you, but can I talk to you for a moment?(一会儿,片刻) When did you buy it? Sorry , I can’t remember the date I bought it___ A. at any moment B. for a moment C. in a moment D. for the moment * * 网络与通信 search for information send an e-mail to a friend do online shopping chat on the Internet play games What can we do on the Internet: download music. search for information do online shopping 4) chat on the Internet 5) play games 6) send an e-mail or a card to a friend What are they? mouse mouse mat printer speaker keyboard screen USB disk Ipad Internet  Some words about computer hard disk monitor mouse screen CD-ROM keyboard 3. What is the World Wide Web? It is a computer network (计算机网络)that allows computer users to access information from millions of websites via the Internet. The World Wide Web was invented in1991 by an English scientistTim Berners-Lee. 4. Who invented it ? The Internet is ___________ through a computer, and it _______ ____ millions of pages of data. They created a network of computers _______ DARPANET. _____ then became possible for universities to use the system ____ _____. NSFNET ______ ____ _____ the Inter-Network, or “Internet”. Tim Berners-Lee made it _


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