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* (  ) 1. They tried to find what the difference between ______ cars is. A. Tom and Marys B. Toms and Mary C. Toms and Marys D. Tom and Mary (  ) 2. — Mike, what did our monitor say just now? — Every boy and every girl as well as teachers who ______ to visit the museum ______ asked to be at the school gate before 6:30 in the morning. A. is; is B. are; are C. is; are D. are; is 【解析】 1. C 这里两个名词都应用所有格,表示Tom和Mary各自的汽车,只有C选项能表达此意;A选项表示Tom和Mary共有一辆车。 2. D 定语从句的先行词是teachers,故第一个空用are; 第二个空的逻辑主语是every boy and every girl,谓语动词必须用单数形式,故用is。 (  ) 3. — What does your sister do? — Oh, she does nothing, for she is only an ______ girl. A. 8-months-old B. 8-months-old C. 8-month-old D. 8-months-old (  ) 4. One of the consequences of our planets being warming up is a(n) ______ in the number of natural disasters. (2010·江苏宿迁中学高三模拟) A. account B. reason C. increase D. occurrence 【解析】 3. C 有连字符的复合词作定语时,其中的名词用单数形式;名词所有格作定语时表示所属关系,故排除A、D。 4. C account 解释;理由;评价; reason 原因; increase 增加,增大;后常与介词in/on连用; occurrence 事件;发生; 根据句意应选C项,表示“自然灾害的数量在增加”。 (  ) 5. The teacher together with the students ______ discussing Reading Skills that ______ newly published in America. (2010·云南曲靖一中高三月考) A. are; were B. is; were C. are; was D. is; was (  ) 6. There is no doubt that being good at communicating is a great ______, especially when you are looking for a job.(2010·江苏盐城第八中学高三模拟) A. advantage B. privilege C. assistant D. opportunity 【解析】 5. D 第一个空的逻辑主语是the teacher,故用is;第二个空的逻辑主语是Reading Skills,尽管是复数形式,但是是书名,其后的谓语动词用单数形式,用was。 6. A advantage 优势,长处; privilege 特权;殊荣; assistant 助手;店员; opportunity 机会,根据句意应选A项,表示“擅长交流是一个很大的优势”。 (  ) 7. A survey of the opinions of scientists ______ that three hours of outdoor exercise a week ______ good for our health. (2011·四川南充高中高三月考) A. show; are B. shows; is C. show; is D. shows; are (  ) 8. Some equipment as well as a number of maps and books ______ to Zhouqu since the mud-rock flow occurred. (2011·四川绵阳中学高三入学考试) A. has been o


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