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学大教育上海高中英语同步课程高二上册unit-six适用学科英语适用年级高二适用区域牛津上海版课时时长(分钟)120知识点知识点1:核心单词知识点2:重点短语知识点3:重点句型知识点4:重要语法教学目标知识:学生能够基本掌握高二上册Unit6 more reading中的词汇、句型及语法。方法:牢记各个知识点的用法,归纳总结异同点。能力:明辨词性的能力;能够准确判断词性转换的能力;熟练运用句型的能力。教学重点重点句型的运用教学难点过去分词的运用教学过程课堂导入Look at the pictures given with piercing eyes and make comments on the phenomena reflected and share your ideaswith your partner to make further discussion on the topic:“Thats one step for man , one giant leap formankind.”二、复习预习复习上节课所学习的单词,今天详解重要词汇及句型。共同讨论以下几个问题:Discussion: What do you think of human space exploration?Support: Human space exploration helps to the Universe and the history of our solar address fundamental questions about our place in system. Through addressing the challenges related to human space exploration,we expand technology, create new industries, and help to foster a peaceful connection with other nations Object: A waste of money and the more it costs, the less valuable a government service seems to be. Even per dollar. It would be the epitome(缩影)of wisdom if Mankind put all his remaining assets(财产)in the service of space exploration and space industrial development, because within a hundred years fossil fuels will be so depleted(耗尽的)on Earth that heavy industry will be finished here.三、知识讲解{核心单词}1. mannedadj. 由人操纵的,由人驾驶的,载人的e.g. With the entire nation watching, China’s first manned space flight, Shenzhou 5,blasted into space.中国首艘载人飞船“神州五号”在举国瞩目之下发射成功。【知识拓展】manned space programme/a plan of manned space flights载人航天计划a manned spaceship载人宇宙飞船e.g. China is known to have successfully completed in its second manned space mission.总所周知,中国已经成功进行了第二次载人航天飞行。2. tiev.系;栓;扎;与……成平局n. 关系;平局;领带,绳子;束缚,限制e.g.Please don’t tie the bandage too tight.请不要把绷带扎得太紧。e.g.They want to loosen their ties with Britain.他们想要削弱同英国的关系。e.g.Each team scored twice and the game ended in a tie.每个队都有两次得分,比赛不分胜负。【知识拓展】tie/ fasten/attach his house to a big tree 把马系在一棵大树上tie my tie 系领带 be tied by a contract 受合同的约束 be tied up with忙得脱不开身;与……有密


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