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to be done 表示动词不定式的动作在谓语动词之后或同时发生。 To have been done 表示不定式的动作发生在谓语动词之前。 1. She hates ________________ by her classmates. 2. Tim refused _________________ by his father to school. 3. She struggled _______________ by the French visitors. 4. These are the issues ______________ tomorrow. 5. The new drug is ___________ out on 500 patients next year. 6. She was very beautiful but she didn’t like ___________ by all the girls she met. 根据括号内的汉语提示完成下列句子。 1.These children _______________ (将受到很好的照料)in the kindergarten. 2.The classroom______________(由学生们打扫)everyday. 3.The problem______________(正在被通论)in the meeting room. 4.Several soldiers_____________(已经被杀害)in the conflict. 5.In that noisy room,he had to shout_________(才能被听见). Go over the grammar. Finish the exercises on P.P. 13-14. 用被动语态改换下列各句: 1. My father will repair my bike for me. My bike will be repaired by my father for me. 2. I have found my wallet. My wallet has been found. 3. She told me to wait here for her. I was told to wait here for her. 4. The police will surely arrest the murderer. The murderer will surely be arrested by the police. 5. They invited Mr. Green to make a speech. Mr. Green was invited to make a speech. 6. The students clean their classroom every day. Their classroom is cleaned by the students every day. 7. You mustn’t take those books out of the reading-room. Those books mustn’t be taken out of the reading-room. 8. I din’t tell you the girl could do the job. You weren’t told by me that the girl could do the job. 9. Do people speak English in your country? Is English spoken in your country? 10. He gave me a present. I was given a present. A present was given to me. 11. Mother often tells her children a story at bed time. Children are often told a story at bed time by mother. A story is often told by mother to children at bed time. to be accompanied to be understood Fill in the blanks accompany understand envy laughed at discus


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