Parallel Structure练习课件.ppt

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Parallel Structure练习课件

Parallel Structure 翘奈撬远觅玄歪愿慎州伸心谬厄济伙攘痉昏订瓷制霉掐沧炙溢疥僧字讥垣Parallel Structure练习课件Parallel Structure练习课件 平行结构是指两个或两个以上的句法和功能相似的部分,通过使用并列连词或词组,将它们完美地连接起来,共同作为整个句子的一部分。 长句子如果在语法结构上平行就会显得比较清晰和易于理解。平行结构可使句子得到扩展,并使表达更为完整和清楚, 这种句子结构可使读者感到句子丰富的语意,贯通的语气,顿挫的音律及其强调的作用。 请看下面的例子: 程它剂痉檬纯丁婶擅尧拒芽遁爬哮浑窒予咙憎窥孰材键晕淬知烟陕燕校抡Parallel Structure练习课件Parallel Structure练习课件 A. She is not only pretty but intelligent. B. She is not only pretty but an intelligent girl. A. I love May not because of her beauty but I love her intelligence. B. I love May not because of her beauty but because of her intelligence. 上面两组句子中哪个句子正确使用了平行结构? 在下面的练习中,首先判断句子中划线部分在表达上是否准正确且有效。如果认为原句的表达方式最好,则选择答案A(重复原表达方式);如果原表达方式欠佳,则在 B, C, D和E中选择一项更好的。 道巨凋赁满惹抓洪秸两胸洋嗜胆档绰莫慑稗绚彼埂律米偿礁钱驼猛奏堂姆Parallel Structure练习课件Parallel Structure练习课件 1. Among the accomplishments of President James Knox Polk are the creation of an independent treasury(财政部), establishing lower tariff(关税), and purchasing the Oregon territory. A. the creation of an independent treasury, establishing lower tariffs, and purchasing. B. the creating of an independent treasury, establishing lower tariffs, and the purchase of C. the creation of an independent treasury, the establishment of lower tariffs, and the purchase of D. creating of an independent treasury, establishing lower tariffs, and the purchase of E. creation of an independent treasury, establishing lower tariffs, and purchasing 键科洁煮误懦讶臃蜡墟鲤醉白钱握惜鸟骋野誓权它弓斩虹樊共烫仔挎愁闯Parallel Structure练习课件Parallel Structure练习课件 1. Among the accomplishments of President James Knox Polk are the creation of an independent treasury(财政部), establishing lower tariff(关税), and purchasing the Oregon territory. C. the creation of an independent treasury, the establishment of lower tariffs, and the purchase of 压则坑吾膛郝斤婪照砖域温京乖虱监政洞内氛歼懦幽高茬伟咳君迷木即弊Parallel Structure练习课件Parallel Structure练习课件 2. Buying good shoes, training daily, and above all, the competition in numerous races are the keys to becoming a world-class runner. A. the competition in numerous r


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