Part I The colonial American Literature课件.ppt

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Part I The colonial American Literature课件

Part I The Literature of Colonial America;Content ;I. Historical Introduction;;1.2 People Native inhabitants: Indians Immigrants mostly from Europe English Immigrants: Jamestown, Virginia, 1607 ;II. Early American literature;First kind:;● Furthermore, the influential Protestant work ethic, reinforced by the practical necessities of a hard pioneer life, inhibited the development of any reading matter designed simply for leisure time entertainment.;2.2 Early American Writers South, Jamestown, Virginia: Captain John Smith: his description of America were filled with themes, myths, images, scenes, characters and events that were a foundation for the nation’s literature. He lured the Pilgrims into fleeing here and creating a New land. True Relation of Virginia (1608) Description of New England (1616) General History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles (1624) ;Captain John Smith (1580—1631);North, New England, Puritan Writers William Bradford: first governor of Plymouth, The History of Plymouth Plantation, simplicity, earnestness, direct reporting, readable, moving. John Winthrop: first governor of Boston, The History of New England, candid simplicity, honesty ;John Winthrop (1588----1649);●Two Poets: Anne Bradstreet, Edward Taylor Puritan poetry was offered uniformly to the service of God. ● Anne Bradstreet’s poems, issued as The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America (1650), were reflective of her own piety. The best of the Puritan poets, ● Edward Taylor, whose work was not published until two centuries after his death, wrote metaphysical verse, ;Anne Bradstreet (1612----1672);Anne Bradstreet (1612----1672);Anne Bradstreet (1612----1672);III. Puritan and Puritanism; They regarded themselves as chosen people of God. They embraced hardships, industry and frugality. They favored a disciplined, hard, somber, ascetic and harsh life. They opposed arts and pleasure. They suspect joy and laughter as symptoms of sin. ; 3.2 Puritanism:


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