Posterior cervical triangle and root of neck课件.ppt

Posterior cervical triangle and root of neck课件.ppt

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Posterior cervical triangle and root of neck课件

Posterior cervical triangle (P 416-420);签遂厂敦弓姚撇攘圆贡查纱钡镰在欢援共至帚噪隶贡女谜旭爹红孪误嗓授Posterior cervical triangle and root of neck课件Posterior cervical triangle and root of neck课件;1. Muscles Splenius capitis (头夹肌,deep groups of the cervical mm.) Levator scapulae(肩胛提肌) Scalenus medius(中斜角肌) Scalenus posterior (Scalenus anterior) Scalenus space is bounded by the scalenus anterior and medius and 1st rib. The brachial plexus and subclavian a. pass through the space.;2. Vessels: External jugular v.:on the surface of the sternocleidomastoid, piercing the investing layer of the cervical fascia, terminating in the subclavian v. Subclavian v.: being continuous with axillary v., running the Ant. to the scalenus Ant., uniting with internal jugular v. to form brachiocephalic v. at the posterior to the sternoclavicular joint ;Subclavian a. the right a. from the brachiocephalic trunk, the left from the aorta arch; Post. To the subclavian v. Anteroinferior to the brachial plexus in scalenus space Being changed for axillary a. at the lateral border of the 1st rib Transverse cervical a. from thyocervical trunk superior to the clavicle deep to the omohyoid reaching the deep to the trapezius Suprascapular a. from thyrocervical trunk Posterior to clavicle;3) Nerves brachial plexus cervical plexus formed by the union of ventral rami of the 1st-4thcervical nn.; lies to the internal jugular v. and SCM. Its branches: Lesser occipital n. Greater auricular n. Transverse n. Supraclavicular n. Phrenic n. ;accessory n. through venous foramen, piercing SCM, entering trapezius 4) Lymphatic nodes Superficial cervical L.nodes are placed along the external jugular v.;The root of the neck (P 424-428);The scalenus anterior is related;2) posteriorly to the 2nd part of subclavian a. brachia plexus apex of the lung cervical pleurae common carotid a. lies on the anteromedial to the cervical pleurae;3) medially to the *internal jugular v. *subclavian v. *venous angle:thoracic duct into the left veno


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