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The MIPS stack: recap The stack grows downward in terms of memory addresses. The address of the top element of the stack is stored (by convention) in the “stack pointer” register, $sp. 0($sp), 1($sp), … are “used” locations -1($sp), -2($sp), … are “free” MIPS does not provide “push” and “pop” instructions. Instead, they must be done explicitly by the programmer. “push” $t0 simulated with: sub $sp, $sp, 4 # $t0 needs 4 bytes sw $t0, 0($sp) # write to stack “pop” $t0 simulated with: lw $t0, 0($sp) # read stack top addi $sp, $sp, 4 # free 4 bytes 0x7FFFFFFF 0$sp stack 堤惟猪盾妮矮蝗良花邪瑟虏白进签主鞭汐睦桂洋夯味层拦冒握匹爸衬碌比printList((p)next)课件CS232 @ UIUC Using the stack: MP 2’s main Performs a jal, so must save $ra before and restore it afterwards main: addi $sp, $sp, -4 # grow stack sw $ra, 0($sp) # save callee-saved register $ra jal iterTraverse # call your function lw $ra, 0($sp) # restore $ra addi $sp, $sp, 4 # shrink stack jr $ra A jal to a function Will cause a malfunction If ra is not on the stack And caller-saved regs Should be handled like eggs Theyre junk when the function comes back And lastly, no messes In each of the esses Make sure you restore em - dont slack! 清铡清骚鞘啸旅杭殴宣仔元班险援裔揖赶殉喝熟汗雨劣椒葵颁饱叙遵吱妒printList((p)next)课件CS232 @ UIUC Practice with pointers: Linked Lists Linked lists are implemented in C using structures as follows: struct node { int data; // data field node* next; // pointer to next node in list } If p is a pointer to a node, then *p is the node itself (*p).data is located at address p in memory (*p).next is located at address p + sizeof(data) in memory If p points to the last node in the list, (*p).next == NULL. If t0 points to a node, then the statement t0 = (*t0).next makes t0 point to the next node in the list. The above statement can be translated into MIPS as: lw $t0, 4($t0) Translate the following C statements into MIPS: (*t0).data = (*t1).data; (*t0).next


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