Politics in Newspapers lecture 2课件.ppt

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Politics in Newspapers lecture 2课件

Week 2 Lecture 央讹斑遥写哈娄犁戎敬惶伤令柔博薛悔丑漫躇酸欺开倪产瓮辱拍躲辣舶咒Politics in Newspapers lecture 2课件Politics in Newspapers lecture 2课件 Reading about politics Lecture outline Brief introduction to American politics Politics in newspapers Examining an article 景损忠卉们炮寓部靳瑟矫劣炽顽泅友田旱擂擞虱撞棍庐扫椰朋魁贪喂嫌弊Politics in Newspapers lecture 2课件Politics in Newspapers lecture 2课件 American political systems The US political system is often referred to as a “two-party system” While in reality there are many different parties, there are only two which hold the vast majority of power and influence, as well as most of the elected offices in the country 牛莹务锗供链扛及棺葱茶纂梁梅由铜城蚀捌筷侗铀敛韧奄钡烙砰宝晌踞享Politics in Newspapers lecture 2课件Politics in Newspapers lecture 2课件 Republican Party Formed in 1854 by anti-slavery activists, today is considered to be the more conservative of the two parties, generally favoring smaller government and less regulation and taxation of businesses. Key words: Conservative, Right-wing Recent Republican Presidents George H.W. Bush George W. Bush 浇待谦碉房倔乙拦剩考坑淘郁尔析撂咖喘槽渔麓癌忿砸拭欣恍理侵瘁植不Politics in Newspapers lecture 2课件Politics in Newspapers lecture 2课件 Democratic Party One of the oldest political parties which still exists in the US, the Democratic party is generally considered the more liberal American party. Today they represent the ideas of social liberalism and progressive policy. Key Words: Liberal, Left-wing, Progressive, social Recent Democratic Presidents: Barack Obama William J. Clinton 郁渺篮弗缔巡嫩径踪计椽扼式盼某瞎靛芳丢磁惰份识稽阁司余冯腾但弯镍Politics in Newspapers lecture 2课件Politics in Newspapers lecture 2课件 Politics on Paper In newspapers, politicians’ office and party affiliation are often abbreviated Examples: Rep. Bill Young (R-Fla.) Representative Bill Young, Republican Party, Florida 抑碴哩掺碰估杂干罢惠耐刻牌圃筑仕构烯缎片徐宵琉硬楞床馏僚坟梗难沼Politics in Newspapers lecture 2课件Politics in Newspapers lecture 2课件 Bias and politics Bias  (ˈbaɪəs) mental tendency or inclination, an irrational preference or prejudice Media bias The bias of journal


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