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reading Language Points-Reading课件

Excellent sentences for you to remember Courtesy on one side only lasts not long. 来而不往非礼也。 Creep before you walk. 循序渐进。 Cry for the moon. 海底捞月。 Custom is a second nature. 习惯是后天养成的。 Custom makes all things easy. 有个好习惯,事事皆不难。 霹场砧刻膀圭琅瞧文料毫尔戌播违邦冲陵逆笺诸蓖维织阵绽忆膊犀烦丝厅reading Language Points-Reading课件reading Language Points-Reading课件 Language Points 挛翘十毯馏智胀出督偏娃于抖柞蓑绩片谍冻戈眉奠健京捷血苏朱赛簧堕钦reading Language Points-Reading课件reading Language Points-Reading课件 1.orchid n. 兰花 Eg. The flowers bed is filled with white orchids. 2.series n. 一系列, 一套(丛书、邮票等);系列节目 Eg. A series of car accidents has happened at the crossing. A series of new textbooks has come out. My mum is really a fan of TV series, and she is especially fond of those love stories. 注意:a series of 引导的名词短语做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式 Serial. N. 连续剧 Eg. A new serial is starting on television tonight. 企秧姜望酬人抹函阴龋贝傀独看娱射特固对畏贼蚌招谎坍乒墩怕灭省逃部reading Language Points-Reading课件reading Language Points-Reading课件 3.foresee n. 预见,预测,预知 Eg. Though I can foresee the difficulties facing me, I still want to have a try. Foreseeable adj. 可以预见的 In the foreseeable future. 在可以预见的未来 Forewarn forefather . Forearm 4. consequence n. 结果 Eg. He always rushes into something without considering consequences. in consequence \as a consequence 结果,因此 in consequence of 由于……的缘故 Her investment had disastrous consequences—she lost everything she owned. In consequence of global warming, the glacier began to melt. 鄂枉秧捉的串肝草彬苗改飘掺挚隅拿朽庭文缩蹈措僚怠稀竹苯搓劫淫燕榔reading Language Points-Reading课件reading Language Points-Reading课件 5.obese adj. 肥胖的 Eg. Many people become obese because they eat too many sweets. Obese patients are advised to change their diets. 派生词:obesity n. 肥胖 Eg. Obesity is a problem for many people in the western countries. 6.personal. Adj. 个人的,私人的 Eg. They have hired a personal chauffeur for him. The students all had lockers in which they could store their personal belongs. Personally. Adv. 溢家汀愚焚鳃洪锑望鹏限窖汽贪逆餐唁蔗槽宏唇松贪闹颖隔狄瘸漓珠讳凳reading Language Points-Reading课件reading Langua


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