Project Making a list of pros and cons 1课件.ppt

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Project Making a list of pros and cons 1课件

Project Making a list of pros and cons;Lead-in questions;Different functions of mobile phones;taking photos;listening to music;Surfing the Internet;sending short messages;Now let’s read a newspaper article about the possible negative effects of mobile phone use on people’s health. ;Reading strategy: how to read a newspaper article ;Read the title and the first paragraph carefully and predict(预测) what’s the author’s attitude towards mobile phone use. He expresses his doubts about the results of study. He approves the use of mobile phone. He is worried about the use of mobile phones.;II. Second reading-Multiple choices;;;;P2-3 1. Using a mobile phone doubles (v.) the risk of developing brain cancer.;Main point 1: P2-3 Using a mobile phone doubles the risk of developing brain cancer. Supporting details The report is ______ ______the findings of research that was _____ _____in Sweden,_______ 1,617 patients found to have brain tumours between 1997 and 2003 _______ the same number of healthy people. ;Main point 2: P4-6 Digital mobile phones are an actual danger. Supporting details: The study was ______ ______200 mice, of which half were _____ ____radiation while the other half did not receive any radiation, shows that the first half were found to have more than twice the ______ ______of the second half after eighteen months.;Main point 3: P7-9 The reasons why there is no definite scientific evidence available now about the effects of mobile phones on people’s health. Supporting details: Because the _________ ________ is huge, and the amount of _______involved is enormous. Clearly the industry _____ _____ _____ say that the products they are selling could possibly be dangerous.;language points;Useful phrases:;Useful phrases:;Useful phrases:; 1.The report is based on the findings of research that was carried out in Sweden, comparing 1,617 patients found to have brain tumours between 1997 and 2003 with the same number of healthy people. L9-15 that was carried out


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