Reading Provides Necessary Survival Skills课件.ppt

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Reading Provides Necessary Survival Skills课件

Text B Reading Provides Necessary Survival Skills;5.opportunity n. 机会;适当的时机良机;有利的环境,条件 chance opportunity cost 机会成本 6.scan scanner My fingers scan a book in Braille. 我的手指扫描着一本盲文书。 7. title heading headline title和headline虽然都是“标题”的意思,但是前者是指普通文章的题目,或者是演讲报告等的题目,而后者则一般用于报纸术语,即头版头条的意思heading 是标题 8.chart graph form graph 是坐标图,一般以线来表达函数。chart 是图解,一般以图形表达统计数量。eg.pie chart, bar chart 9. cue in. 暗示,提示; 线索; [台]球杆; 情绪,心情 vt. 把……插入演出; 给……暗示 ;He often takes his cue from the boss. 他总是看上司的眼色行事。 The studio manager will cue you in when it‘s your turn to sing. 轮到你唱的时候,演播室主管会向你发出暗示的。 10. content n. 内容;(书等的)目录;满足;容量 adj. 满足的,满意的;愿意的;心甘情愿的 (重音在后) 11.haste n. 匆忙,急忙;急速,紧迫;轻率 v. 赶紧,匆忙;古使快,催促 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 A man without money is no man at all一分钱难倒英雄汉。 12.wander vt. 漫步,漫游 vi. 游荡,漫游,闲逛,慢走,漫步;离开原路,离群,失散;(道路或河流)蜿蜒曲折;(人的思想等)走神,胡思乱想 n. 游荡;溜达;闲逛;失散 He was constraining his mind not to wander from the task. 他克制着不让思想在工作时开小差。 ;13.concentrate The general decided to concentrate his forces near the capital. 这位将军决定把他的部队集中在首都附近。 You should concentrate on the road when you‘re driving. 开车时注意力应集中在路上。 14.aware He doesn‘t seem to be aware of the problems. 他好像没有意识到这个问题。 15.expand Plans to expand the company have had to be quietly shelved. 公司扩充的计划不得不悄悄搁置下来。 China will further expand the scope of its opened-up areas. 中国要进一步扩大开放范围。 16.effectively The public should be educated to use resources more effectively. 应该教育大众更有效地使用资源。;17. skip You may skip through a book, reading only those passages concerned. 你可以跳读一本书,只拣那些有关的段落读一下即可。 The parents want their child to skip to the second grade. 这家父母希望他们孩子能跳级到二年级。 18.overall We did an overall consideration of the matter at last. 最后我们又对这个问题作了全盘考虑。 19.pause pose After a little pause, he went on with his speech. 稍停一会儿后,他又继续讲演。 20. register Please list your name in the attendance register. 请在点名册上登记你的名字。 ;21.impression The impression is so deep that it can hardly ever blo


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