reading 2 语言点课件.ppt

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reading 2 语言点课件

I Have Seen Amazing Things;What will you see in the future;段甚韧剧途帖勉四惦扩暗绒骋乘以底逆尿涂乖咱竹再洱眷鸿咎葫隐惜亏映reading 2 语言点课件reading 2 语言点课件;Send mind by thoughtpad;Where will the rubbish go in the future?;robots;耽裕沽痰挫稻讨蛔宾钩邯枉楼奠随铣悯舅育取摘来碍料挂葡钾肖积票各拿reading 2 语言点课件reading 2 语言点课件;谤杨革衰挤喊艘钥溶虐督郁尘鄂郎稀铅乏价蝗岩法杰捐哺谱韭蜂缠条熟审reading 2 语言点课件reading 2 语言点课件;凉擒今褒经捷挫铺智寻掖傻彝澳阅亭越骚卞赖关阜闭枪竟展痔胺赡悟逸除reading 2 语言点课件reading 2 语言点课件;I Have Seen Amazing Things;Skimming ;Choose the correct answers according to the text. The purpose of writing the passage is mainly to _____ A. tell us some amazing things the writer had seen on the earth. B. introduce to us the writer’s first visit to the most modern space station. C. introduce a lot of up-to-date inventions now. D. tell us the writer’s space life in the space station.;Scanning;Scanning;Detailed information 1. What is the “thoughtpad” like? 2. Which is the most important step when using the “thoughtpad”? A. Place the metal band over your head. B. Clear your mind. C. Press the sending button. D. Think your message clearly.;3 Read carefully and fill in the blanks.; In the 31st century;Scanning;Part 4 (T or F?) Engineers on the earth don’t have to control?the robots to perform tasks in space. 2.The robots produce goods such as drugs, clothes, furniture, hovering carriages, etc. 3. When the goods are ready, they are transported by hovering carriage back to earth. 4. Manufacturing on space stations damages the environment a lot!;1.The _________(材料)of the clothes are soft and comfortable to wear. 2. To protect _______(生态), we have to balance the relationships between animals,plants,people and the environment of one place. 3.You can give your unwanted _________(货物,物品)to charity. 4. She has a stressful job as a sales __________(代表) 5.My mind began to ________(漫游),and as I thought of the wonderful world of the future,my _________(兴趣,动机)increased quickly.;My first visit was to a space station considered the most modern


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