Remedial Kinetics and Mechanism课件.ppt

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Remedial Kinetics and Mechanism课件

Remedial Kinetics and Mechanism to determine / describe / predict the course of reactions ___________: identify reactants, products, intermediates identify ___________reaction steps ___________: measure reaction rates  rate constants explore effects of T, P, [H+], … relate rate constants to molecular properties develop theories  make predictions Rate data (growth of products, decay of reactants) are the basic experimental input to reaction kinetics. The shapes of kinetic data plots depend on rate constants and concentrations. Their functional form  ___________ 白绩性裔自辐钱亿焚街棉芒狸待睛获扼侗屈绕栅何犀粪妊都型矫辰剩馏践Remedial Kinetics and Mechanism课件Remedial Kinetics and Mechanism课件 Empirical Chemical Kinetics __________dependence of reactant and product concentrations rate constant order in B total order = x + y In elementary reaction steps the orders are always integral, but they may be fractional in multi-step reactions. The ___________is the number of molecules in a reaction step. The ___________of a reaction (the advancement) By definition, Reaction rates usually depend on reactant ___________, 痪毋纵俺佐墒傀菇巧抉浴册烹臣钾咋途诽就所铭简氧蜘猜粒奶被酣恫擎优Remedial Kinetics and Mechanism课件Remedial Kinetics and Mechanism课件 Measurement of Reaction Rates Sampling of reaction mixture, followed by chemical analysis, chromatography, spectroscopy Quenching of whole reaction or sample, followed by … Matrix isolation is a particular quenching technique used to study otherwise short-lived species. Flow The time between mixing and measurement is varied by changing the ___________ or the ___________. Real time analysis involves measurement of a quantity that varies throughout the reaction. This could be: a general property of the system pressure, volume, conductance, optical rotation, … a molecular property: usually by spectroscopy Accurate initiation is necessary for real time experiments. 自台详宅腿菌瞬逸瑶果而藕击负夹捐谗夜敷换谰华敞千挂举镊抚笔畜青蟹Remedial Kinetics and Mechanism课件Remedial Kinetics and Mechanism课件 Simple Rate Laws Zero order:


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