Unit 2 Admission and Discharge (new)课件.ppt

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Unit 2 Admission and Discharge (new)课件

Unit 2 Admission and Discharge;Admission 入院,入学 admit 承认,接受, discharge 出院 ;How much do you know about admission and discharge?;Firstly, the admission procedures include emergency admission (急诊) and pre-arranged (预先安排) admission.;;;Discharge;When do you need inpatient services and when do you need outpatient services?;Outpatient services;Inpatient service;Focus listening ;Focusspeaking; Passage Admission and Discharge; To understand hospital procedures is very important when a patient is admitted to a hospital. ; To understand hospital procedures is very important when a patient is admitted to a hospital. ; When the admitting office tells the nurses that a patient is coming, they should prepare the room.;The patient is never sent up to his room alone, because he might get lost or fall or be injured. ;When the patient arrives, the nurses should greet him politely, make him feel at home, and if the patient is very sick, help him undress and get into the bed.;As soon as the patient is admitted, the nurses should give him a physical examination.;This is done because the hospital must have a complete record of the patient’s condition.; From the time the patient enters the hospital, he and his family usually look forward to the day he is discharged. ;However, a patient is rarely completely well at the time he leaves the hospital, and he must still have a period of recovery. ;Obviously, on the day he is discharged the patient is both excited and worried and the way his discharge is handled can affect the course of his recovery.;For example, if the patient is upset or angry, he may fail to keep an appointments with the doctor. ; If he is too rushed and excited, he may forget instructions about his medication. Either mistake could have side effects on his health. ; Of course, not all patients go back to their own homes. Some patients will go to homes of relatives or to institutions better ab


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