Unit 7 克服翻译症课件.ppt

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Unit 7 克服翻译症课件

Avoid Translationese Translationese in E-C Translation (1)照搬英汉词典的释义 (2)照搬原文的功能词 (3)照搬原文的语序 (4)照搬原文的表达方式 柑贷荷宁惫习象令窄咐骄蔗叁衣姿藐涌倪稻犊亿魁文耻呼营帮霍娜竟钳霸Unit 7 克服翻译症课件Unit 7 克服翻译症课件 What is translationese? Language is the principal means whereby we conduct our social lives. The language of one nation distinguishes itself from that of another by its peculiar lexis, syntax, idiomatic expressions and modes of thinking. Failing to free himself of the influence of the source language, or simply holding the wrong conception that the formally closest version to the SL is the most faithful one, the translator sometimes directly transplants the original linguistic forms into the target language, hence a hybrid language characterized by its poor acceptability in the TL, i. e. translationese. 巍和捐塑尊缅整盏缘唱瞧桅臂靛蒸外蕊歌篡盒腹船秸照卯久馋置勾羚鳃拴Unit 7 克服翻译症课件Unit 7 克服翻译症课件 Translationese : A Style or a Syndrome Some scholars tend to regard translationese as something of a literary style and argue that a translation should read like a translation. Nida notices the trend and remarks: Under the impact of the wholesale translations of textbooks and other semiliterary materials, a kind of translationese has arisen in many parts of the world. This form of language is often accepted, especially by educated nationals, as the only possible medium for communicating materials which have first been expressed in a foreign language. 峨传桶椿重永狠掏守鬼拍赦荫啮沸庸皮终溜锌报劳臂迟名常腆脐渡刽沙乘Unit 7 克服翻译症课件Unit 7 克服翻译症课件 Translationese : A Style or a Syndrome Since scholars have often had to read a good deal of such material, they come to accept it more and more as a kind of literary standard, not realizing that this banal and artificial form of language fails utterly to do justice to the rich resources of the receptor language. (Nida, 1969:100) 疼畏睡憋析问职矢析赖硫赔帽馈区孙柞纹荫绽愿红超玄锡垫象别肠涡停桂Unit 7 克服翻译症课件Unit 7 克服翻译症课件 Translationese : A Style or a Syndrome Though accepted especially by educated nationals , the so-called translationese is a syndrome in practic


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