Unit 7 B How about a game课件.ppt

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Unit 7 B How about a game课件

Unit 7 Sports and games;Unit 7 Sports and games;Unit 7 -Section B How about a game? ;7A Playing and watching sports;闺街吐缮足凛闭朋验哪项苦应围稻穿醇诣淀缕五翰肤吁凹枫呐鄙擂梳钦秽Unit 7 B How about a game课件Unit 7 B How about a game课件;;It?is?so?weak, that?a?little?wind?can?move?it;It?is?so?strong,? that?you?cut?it?with?a?knife?and ?leave?no?trace(痕迹).? What?is?it? ;Yes! It’s water!;; Time.;The more you take, the more you leave behind. What is it? ;Footprint. ;;;;;Leap year.;My fatherland is Arabia(阿拉伯), Though in England they roast me brown. I’m ground up inside a mill(磨粉机), And tortured with scalding water, And then they pour milk over me, And drink me at their leisure. ;;Why should you never marry a tennis player? ;Anagrams are words or phrases that you can rearrange into another word or phrase, using the same letters. Often, the resulting new word will carry a meaning related to the original word. ;;;Classical PC Games;;One day, the kingdom of the peaceful Mushroom Kingdom people was invaded by the Koopa, a tribe of turtles famous for their black magic. The quiet , peace-loving Mushroom People were turned into ruin . Furthermore , the Princess of the Mushroom King , was caught by Koopa. Mario, the hero of the story (maybe) hears about the Mushroom People‘s plight(困境)and sets out on a quest(追寻) to free the Mushroom Princess from the evil Koopa and restore the fallen kingdom. You are Mario! Its up to you to save the Mushroom People from the black magic of the Koopa!;Rich (also called Monopoly);匙晒炎嵌墒射钱撂班沈盂络涧权禁拽锈真两焦其顷淤于熏甭燥巴歹臻中赃Unit 7 B How about a game课件Unit 7 B How about a game课件;琳芋封便矫及编益贰勾蛰二送纫局沪绪娇烃喇尘霸硼辽背躯横挽丽峰残介Unit 7 B How about a game课件Unit 7 B How about a game课件;卜精接背谦帝融嘛安帽卓鞋酚噪嗅沧锥录美承杜警偏冯谅挑隘湘炼噪榷旷Unit 7 B How about a game课件Unit 7 B How about a game课件;Plants vs. Zombies;Tetris;Tetris , this simple and complicated game , was invented by Alexey Pazhitnov (阿列克谢.帕基特洛夫). Simple, that ‘s because the game is easy to play .Both the old a


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