
【英语ppt】network language in English.ppt

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【英语ppt】network language in English

Network Language in English Vocabulary noob=newbie A newbie is someone who is new to an activity on the Internet. knowbie A knowledgeable and experienced Internet user spam垃圾邮件 Outernet = traditional (non-Internet) media bug 臭虫→程序运行的小故障 Vocabulary In the BBS 帖子 post / thread 头像 avatar 版主 moderator 帖子置顶 sticky 表情 smiley Abbreviation Substitution 2 = to/too 4 = for C = see B = be R = are U = you Y = why Abbreviation Substitution AFK = Away From Keyboard ASAP = As Soon As Possible BTW = By The Way DL = Download F2F / FTF = Face To Face G2G = Got To Go GG = Good Game GJ = Good Job HB = Hurry Back IDK = I Don’t Know IMO = In My Opinion NBD = No Big Deal OMG = Oh My God OOC = Out Of Character PPL = People PLS/PLZ = Please WTF = What The Fuck Dialogue gn=gn8=gnight=good night=晚安 nn=nite=晚安 thx=thanks=谢谢 sry=sorry w00t=woot=what=虾米?! pffffff=whatever=随便,爱咋咋地 pffff pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff LOL long→short slow→fast complex→simple and convenient Internet→Real life Emoticon emotion + icon = emoticon 1982.9.19 Scott Fahlman in the BBS of Carnegie Mellon University FIRST TIME :-) :-( Emoticon Western-style :-)  :-(  :))  ;-)  :-D  :-P  :(  :-O  :-/  :-S 8-)  xc==  XD : D   : O ASCII 字符 Emoticon Eastern-style o_O ^_^ T_T =_= (×_×) =3= Σ( ° △ °) (=^_^=)  ////// QAQ ≧ω≦ ( ̄﹁ ̄) =口= ( ̄▽ ̄)/ 〒▽〒 ╮(╯▽╰)╭ (╬ ̄皿 ̄) _(:з」∠)_ * * 顶贴、灌水 bump 挖坟 necropost 潜水 lurk 2B or not 2B = To be or not to be 4ever = forever B4 = Before CU = See You OIC = Oh, I See R U = Are You? UR = Your U R = You are L8R = Later M8T = Mate laugh out loudly Chinese 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 Japanese wwwwww ( 笑ぅ walawu) English ? *



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