
中国传统文化 4-书法艺术.ppt

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中国传统文化 4-书法艺术

中国传统文化 书法艺术 Vocabulary Work 中国书法 Chinese calligraphy 文化遗产 cultural heritage 山不在高,有仙则名 Any mountain can be famous with the presence of an immortal 水不在深,有龙则灵 any river can be holy with the presence of a dragon 甲骨铭文 the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells 青铜器 bronze objects 篆书 the seal character 隶书 official script 楷书 regular script 行书 running script 草书 cursive script 象形字 pictograph 夸张 exaggerate 旅游资源 a tourist resource 石碑 tablet/ stele (pl: stelae) 悬崖峭壁 precipice 匾额 horizontal inscribed boards 厅堂卷轴对联 couplets written on the scrolls hung on the pillars of halls 曲阜孔庙 Qufu’s Confucius Temple 泰山岱庙 Mount Tai’s Dai Temple 高僧 senior monks 句子翻译 我很高兴有机会向诸位介绍中国书法这一宝贵的文化遗产及其对中国旅游业的贡献. I am very pleased to have the opportunity to talk about Chinese calligraphy, a highly-valued Chinese cultural heritage, and its contribution to Chinese tourism. 中国书法好似山上之仙,水中之龙. Chinese calligraphy is like an immortal in a mountain and a dragon in a river. 汉字在其漫长的发展史中演化成许多不同的书写艺术形式,其中包括甲骨铭文,青铜器铭文,篆书,隶书,楷书,行书,草书的书写形式. During their long history of development Chinese characters have evolved and been written into many different artistic styles, including the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells and on ancient bronze objects, the seal character, official script, regular script, running script and cursive script. 许多汉字属象形文字,常可从字的形状揣知其义. Many Chinese characters are pictographs and often the meaning of a particular character is apparent in the pictorial form of the character. 千百年来中国书法家倾注了大量的心血研究书法艺术的形式,规则及理论. Down through the centuries Chinese calligraphers have devoted substantive attention to studying the forms, principles and theories pertinent to the art of calligraphy. 中国大多数旅游区都有不可胜数的铭文石碑(许多是刻在悬崖峭壁上的铭文),匾额和厅堂卷轴对联. Most of the Chinese tourist areas have numerous inscribed tablets, including inscriptions on precipices, horizontal inscribed boards and couplets written on the scrolls hung on the pillars of halls. 旅游区的古代书法遗迹以碑林和石刻为主. Ancient calligraphy relics found in tourist areas primarily co


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