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中国过春节的习俗 The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.People usually decorate the doors and windows with red papercuts. Becouse red means good luck. People usually clean house too.becouse they want to sweep away bad luck.Children can get some new clothes or presents from their parents and grandparents. 扫 尘 我国在尧舜时代就有春节扫尘的风俗。按民间的说法:因“尘”与“陈”谐音,新春扫尘有“除陈布新”的涵义,其用意是要把一切穷运、晦气统统扫出门。每逢春节来临,家家户户都要打扫环境,清洗各种器具,拆洗被褥窗帘,洒扫六闾庭院,掸拂尘垢蛛网,疏浚明渠暗沟。 守 岁 New years day, people get up early to wish each other. Later a number of elites and literati have to use the paste to vote each other he, thus developed in the later New Years card. 新年的初一,人们都早早起来互相祝贺。后来一些上层人物和士大夫便使用各贴相互投贺,由此发展出来后来的“贺年片”。 踩 祟 接神后,将芝麻秸从街门内铺到屋门,人在上面行走,噼叭作声,称为“踩岁”,亦叫“踩祟”。由于“碎”与“祟”同音,取新春开始驱除邪祟的意思。 春节早晨,开门大吉,先放爆竹,叫做“开门炮仗”。爆竹声后,碎红满地,灿若云锦,称为“满堂红”。这时满街瑞气,喜气洋洋。 一般晚上举行送年仪式,它是送回诸神和祖先的日子。 谷 子 生 日 民间以为正月初三为谷子的生日,这一天祝祭祈年,且禁食米饭。 Thank you * Spring dust custom in China is in the era of Yao and shun. According to the folk saying: homonym for dust and Chen, spring sweep dust with in addition to Chen cloth new meaning, its purpose is to make all the poor transportation, so they all went out. During the coming Spring Festival, each and every family must clean environment, cleaning tools, washable bedding, curtains, sweep the courtyard six Lu, Shan whisk dirt cobweb, dredging nullah underground. 除夕守岁是最重要的年俗活动之一,守岁之俗由来已久。自汉代以来,新旧年交替的时刻一般为夜半时分。 New years Eve staying-up is one of the most important festival activities, staying-up long-standing custom. Since the Han Dynasty, the new old alternate moment usually midnight. 小资料 最早记载见于西晋周处的《风土志》:除夕之夜,各相与赠送,称为“馈岁”;酒食相邀,称为“别岁”;长幼聚饮,祝颂完备,称为“分岁”;大家终夜不眠,以待天明,称曰“守岁”。 拜 年 After the Theosophical, sesame stalks shop from the street door to door, people walk on, Pi Pa for sound, known as the stepped-
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