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Chapter 20\21 Distillation 1 A binary material system is to be separated in a continuous distillation column. The feed is liquid phase and mole fraction in feed is xF=0.42, Mole fraction in the overhead product is xD =0.95, Givens: The easy volatilization component’s recovery ratio of the overhead product is η=0.92, Calculate: Mole fraction in the bottom product xB(或xW)=? 2 Certain bianry mixed liquid containing mole fraction of easy volatilization component is =0.35, feeding at bubbling point, is separated through a sequence rectify column. The mole fraction in the overhead product is xD=0.96, and the mole fraction in the bottom product is xB(或xW) =0.025. If the mole over flow rates are constant in the column, try to calculate (a)the flow rate ratio of overhead product to feed(D/F)? (b)If the reflux ratio R=3.2, write the operating lines for rectifying and stripping sections 3 A continuous distillation column is to be designed to separate an ideal binary material system,The feed which contains easy volatilization component =0.5, feed rate 100kmol/h, is saturated vapor, the flow rate of overhead product and the flow rate of bottom product are also 50kmol/h. Suppose the operating line for rectifying section is y=0.833x+0.15, the vapor generated in the reboiler enters the column through the bottom plate, a complete condenser is used on the top of column and reflux temperature is bubbling point. Find: (1) Mole fraction of overhead product xD and the mole fraction of bottom product xB(或xW)? (2) Vapor amount condensed in the complete condenser, in mol/h? (3)The operating line for stripping section. (4) If the average relative volatility of the column is 3 and the first plate’s Murphree efficiency of the top plate is Em,L=0.6, find the constituent of gas phase leaving from the second plate of tower top. ( plate’s Murphree efficiency Em,L is the liquid phase single plate efficiency of the duality liquid is rectified in continuum rectify tower) 4 An ideal binary


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