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农村自动供水系统的设计 学 生:田耀铖 指导老师:匡迎春 (湖南农业大学东方科技学院,长沙 410128) 摘 要:设计基于单片机技术的水位控制器的目的是应用单片机的控制技术,以STC89C51单片机为核心来控制水塔的水位,并实现了报警和手动、自动切换功能。本设计包含四路水位输入,通过两个工作泵,一个备用泵来实现水位的自动调节。其中,水塔水位的测量是通过自制的开关式传感器将水位信号传送给STC89C51的P1口,并对其进行分析处理,然后根据控制要求输出控制信号,控制给水泵工作,进而保持水塔有正常的水位。同时也详尽的介绍了此次设计中最重要的组成部件。该设计介绍了STC89系列单片机基本结构与相关的硬件资源,水位传感器的设计与工作原理。该系统操作方便、性能良好,比较符合日常生产生活用水系统控制的要求。本文还详细的给出了相关的硬件框图和软件流程图,并根据外围硬件电路的设计思想,编制了该汇编语言程序。 关键词:单片机;水位;控制 Rural Water Supply System Author:Tian Yao-cheng Tutor:Kuang Ying-chun (Oriental Science &Technology College of Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128) Abstract: The purpose of designing a water level controlling machine based on SCM is apply the SCM controlling technology. This system uses STC89C51 and has a function with alerting, manual and automatic controlling. This system includes 4-way water-level inputs, two working motors, and a standby motor, which can adjust the water-level automatically. Another, it is easy-used , Among them, the water tank water level survey is transmits through the self-made switch type sensor the water level signal for the STC89C51P1 mouth, and carries on analysis processing to it, then the basis controls the request output control signal, controls the feed pump work, then maintains the water tank to have the normal water level .Simultaneously also in exhaustive introduction this design most important composition part . This design introduced the STC89 series monolithic integrated circuit basic structure and the correlation hardware resources, the water level sensor design and the principle of work good performance, which is suit for the water need of routine controlling. This paper also tells the design outline of hardware and software ,and compile a program with compilation language. Keywords: SCM ;Water-level ;Control 1 前言 目前,水位控制在日常生活及工业领域(工厂、农场、学校等用水量大的场所)中应用相当广泛,比如水塔、地下水、水电站等情况下的水位控制。而以往水位的检测和控制一般是由人工完成的,值班人员全天候地对水位的变化进行监测,用有线电话及时把水位变化情况报知主控室,然后主控室再开动电机进行相应的水位控制。很显然上述重复性的工作无论从人员、时间和资金上都将造成很大的浪费


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