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高效缠绕管式换热器的节能分析与工业应用 ( , 315207) : 介绍了缠绕管式换热器的节能原理, 利用工业应用实例对缠绕管式换热器的节能进行了分 析, 并根据工业实际 况, 提出了采用缠绕管式换热器, 可使工艺流程简洁操作条件优化大幅度 降低能耗的观点 : 缠绕管式换热器; 节能; 工业应用 : TQ051. 5 : B : 1001- 4837 ( 2008) 05- 0054 - 04 Energy- saving Industrial Example of the H igh- effected W ound- tube H eat Exchanger ZHANG X ian- an ( Zhenha i Ref in ing Chem ica M a intenance and Insta ation Co. , N ingbo 3 15207, Ch ina) Abstract T he princip es of energy- sav ing asw e as the app icat ion o f w ound- tube heat exchanger are discu ssed. T he industria examp es o fw ound- tube heat exchanger are introduced, and the energy- sav ing techno ogy are ana yzed. A schem e of the w ound- tube heat exchanger u sing in the system is presented acco rd ing to the industria app ica tion. The technics un it and operationa condit ions of p ants are opt-i m ized, the resu ts show ed the wound- tube heat exchanger cou d decrease energy- consump tion huge y. K ey w ord s w ound- tube heat exchanger; energy- sav ing; industria ex am p e , 1 , , , 2 80% , , , , , , , , , , [ 1] , # 54# 25 5 186 , , , , ,


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