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第四辑Test 1 Selling old stock The manufacturing company you work for needs to make space in its warehouse to stock its new products. The company would like to sell off end-of-range products at discounted prices. You have been asked to make recommendations. Discuss the situation together and decide: How much discount should be offered Whether to offer the same discount on all products How customers could be informed of the discounts. 库存积压品处理 你所在的制造公司要清理仓库以便储存新产品。公司想把已停产的尾货打折处理掉。公司要求你们对此提出建议。 你们一起讨论当前的状况,并决定: 应该提供多大幅度的折扣 是否对所有的产品采取同样的折扣 如何通知客户这次的打折活动 【思路点拨】 【词汇短语】 整理,选出 sort out 区分,区别 differentiate 仓库 warehouse 广告费用 advertising rate 配饰 accessory 亏本 at a loss 过时 out of fashion 替换物 alternative 有吸引力 appeal 传单,散页印刷品 leaflet 营造空间 make space 社区 community 有道理,所言极是 have a point 几乎,实际地 practically 【句型点击】 常用否定句小结 Little remains to be said. 简直没什么可说的了 I don’t wholly agree. 我并不完全同意 It simply will not do. 那是绝对不行的 I never thought of it, let alone did I do it. 我想都没想到它,更别说去做了 【参考范例】 A: Now, we have to work out a plan to deal with the old stock which has been just sorted out from our warehouse. We don’t have much time left; because the new products are suppose to arrive in early next month. B: So we have two weeks left and we must hurry up. C: Most our stocks are clothes and accessories, and they have gone out of fashion. B: Yes, fashions changes quickly. So, to appeal our customers, we must offer great discount for our stock. How much discount would be appropriate? A: What do you think to a 50% discount? It’s Christmas season, a big sale time, discount is everywhere, so we must offer bigger discount than usual. B: Yes, I agree with you. The most important thing at this time is to sell off the stock and make space for our new products. C: You two have a point here. Anyway, our products are end-of-range and need to be cleared out soon. But I am wondering whether we will offer the same discou


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