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电 子 测 试 基于重力感应器的盲人手机的设计与实现 陈 瑶 邱开金 徐 海 朱凡超 (西南大学计算机与信息科学学院 软件学院,重庆北碚 400715) 摘要 :提出了一种盲人操作具有重力应感器的 Android 普通手机的实现方法。该方法运用重力感应 , 识别手机的位置状态并 对状态进行编码 , 盲人通过对手机位置状态的改变来操作手机,从而在无视觉的情况下 , 完成拨打、接听电话等普通功能。 该盲人手机操作简单,不需要增加新硬件设备 , 相对于其它盲人手机,成本低廉;此外,该方法还可根据不同需求在普通手机 与盲人手机之间进行切换,让正常人也可体验新的操作手机的方法。 关键词 :Android系统;重力应感器;盲人手机;手机的位置状态编码 The Design and Implementation of The Blind Mobile Phone based on The Gravity Sensor Chen Yao Qiu Kaijin Xu Hai Zhu Fanchao (Software College College of computer and information science, Southwestern University, Chongqing Beibei,400715) Abstract: The paper raises an implementation method of common Android mobile phones with gravity sensor for the blind. The methods utilizes gravity sensor to recognize the position status of the mobile phone for the blind and encode the status; thus, the blind can operate the mobile phone just by changing the position status of the mobile phone; therefore, even without visual sense, the blind can still dial and answer a call on mobile phone and operate other functions of common mobile phones. The above mobile phone is easy to operate with no need of adding new hardware; compared with other mobile phones for the blind, the mobile phone is featured in lower cost; besides, the above phone by the method can be switched between common mobile phone and mobile phone for the blind as per the demands, and thus normal people can also experience the new operation methods. Keywords:Android System;Gravity Sensor;Mobile Phone For The Blind;Position Status Code For Mobile Phone 0 引言 1 本论文手机操作模式 现实生活中,随着手机的日益普及,拨打电话成了我们生活 本论文手机的操作模式如下:用手作用于手机,晃动手机, 中不可缺少的行为。传统的手机交互过多的依赖视觉来完成,因此 改变


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