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* When we overlay the gross ratings points for the 2006 media campaign, shown here with the light blue bars, we see that when we air a campaign, calls to 311 increase, often dramatically. However, we can’t tell from this the reach or effectiveness of the ads. What you do beforehand to make sure your campaign will be effective…. Are there opportunities for free media broadcast? Are there censorship restrictions to showing someone smoking on TV? The more you know about your audience and the environment in which your campaign will appear, the better your campaign will be. * …let’s talk about what kinds of ads work. The research shows us that…. * * * * Press clips from Vietnam * Press clips from India * Selected Content from Article 12 of FCTC: Parties must act to promote broad access to educational and public awareness programmes on the health risks including the addictive characteristics of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke Parties must act to promote public awareness about the health risks of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke, and the benefits of cessation of tobacco use and tobacco-free lifestyles Parties must act to promote public awareness of the adverse health, economic, and environmental consequences of tobacco production and consumption. * 陈瑜 MPOWER培训 2011年1月?北京 大众媒体与MPOWER 大众媒体可以做为一个有效和独立的干预手段 证据显示震撼力的控烟广告可以鼓励人们戒烟 大众媒体也可以支持 直接支持 Warn people of dangers of tobacco (警示烟草危害). 间接支持 Protect people from tobacco smoke (保护人们免受二手烟危害), 比如通过促进无烟环境建设. Offer help to quit (提供戒烟帮助). Enforce bans on tobacco advertising and sponsorship (确保禁止烟草广告、促销和赞助). Protect People from Tobacco Smoke 保护人们免受二手烟危害 “Because We All Breathe The Same Air” (Smoke-Free Mexico City, 2008) Warn about of the Dangers of Tobacco 警示烟草危害 “Cigarettes Are Eating You Alive” (Poland, 2009) 包装警示非常有效,特别是图片占包装面积一半以上 2/3想戒烟 3/4 赞同图片警示 超过一半 改变了意识 烟包图片警示I对巴西烟民的影响 Warn about of the Dangers of Tobacco 警示烟草危害 证据表明… 媒体宣传有效 全面回顾已出版文献 总计超过100个调查研究 两种调研: 有控制的现场实验 (经常是由科研补助金资助的项目) 人群调


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