焙烧温度对镁铝复合氧化物载体性能的影响 - 厦门大学学术典藏库.pdf

焙烧温度对镁铝复合氧化物载体性能的影响 - 厦门大学学术典藏库.pdf

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焙烧温度对镁铝复合氧化物载体性能的影响 - 厦门大学学术典藏库

622 PETRO CHEM ICA L TE CHN OLO GY 2009 38 6 连奕新, 王会芳, 张元华, 方维平, 杨意泉 ( , 36 1005) [ ] , C o - M o C o - M o / M gO - A l O ; N - X 2 3 2 , C o- M o /M gO - A l O , 500 ~ 800 2 3 M gA l O xM gO yA l O , 900~ 1 300 2 4 2 3 M gA l O ; 600~ 800 , , 2 4 Co - M o , C o- M o /A l O - M gO 2 3 [ ] ; ; ; - [ ] 1000- 8144 ( 2009) 06 - 0622- 08 [ ] T Q 426. 82 [ ] A Effect ofCalcination Temperature on Performance of M g-AlCompositeOxide Support L an Y x n, W ang Hu fang, Z hang Yuanhua, Fang W e p ng, Yang Y quan ( D epartm en t o f Ch em stry, Co llege of Ch em stry and C hem cal Eng neer ng, X am en U n vers ty, N at ona l Eng neer n g L aboratory fo r G reen Chem cal Product on s o f A lcoho ls, E thers and E sters, X am en Fuj an 36 1005, C h na) [Abstract] A ser es o f M g-A l com po s te ox de suppo rts w ere prepared by so l d-react on. T he re lev ant C o-M o /M gO-A l O cata ly sts w ere obta ned by suppo rt ng C o-M o on the supports. E f fect o f 2 3 calc nat on tem perature on phy s c-chem cal propert es o f the suppo rts w as stud ed by m eans o f SEM, X RD, BET, FT IR, therm a l ana ly s s and m ass t trat on techn que. A ct v t es o f Co-M o /M


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