跨越“数字鸿沟” 构建和谐社会 ——清华大学教育扶贫项目案例研究.ppt

跨越“数字鸿沟” 构建和谐社会 ——清华大学教育扶贫项目案例研究.ppt

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跨越“数字鸿沟” 构建和谐社会 ——清华大学教育扶贫项目案例研究

ICTs Serving Educational Needs in Rural Areas: Chinas Experience Tsinghua University Prof. Feiyu KANG (Vice Provost) June 20th, 2006 OUTLINE Part 1 :Background Introduction Part 2 :Technical Support Part 3 :Implementation Part 4 :Scaling up Plan Part 1 : Background Introduction Mission of Tsinghua University University possesses a service function to the society and community; University supports national plan for western development, pays attention to minority groups, and establishes harmonious society; University students and teachers could learn and contribute from and to the nation. Consideration to the Alleviate Poverty “Digital Gap” increases poverty gap between west and east, urban and rural areas in China “Education Alleviate Poverty Project (EAPP): Dispreading Knowledge and Reducing Poverty through ICT” “food ? clothes ?funds ?enterprise ?high quality human resources” Using ICT we can delivery high quality education resource to the people most requiring it. Analysis Requirement China still has 12 provinces in the west area which are lagging behind in economic development 592 counties, which are most poor places Economic development is quite unbalanced in China Lacking of high quality education resources In demand : Teachers and students in primary, middle and high schools Local government officials Villages and town enterprises Medical and public health organizations Farmers What is needed the most? Education Management Technology for agriculture and animal husbandry Vocational skills Our Proposal Scale : From 2003 to 2005, establish 100 distance learning centers (DLCs) at 100 counties From 2006 to 2010, set up DLCs in 500 counties Resource : Within 5 years create and transfer more than 10,000 learning hours teaching materials for those people and areas Organizing face to face tutorial : Appoint experts to teach in centers Invite local people to the developed areas and Beijing for short course training Establishing an enriched le


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