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专升本作文 我们的写作中经常出现的问题: (1)没有主题句,中心不突出; (2)结构紊乱,句与句之间、段与段之间缺乏逻辑关系,不会使用逻辑连接词; (3)语言贫乏,句式单调,缺乏变化; (4)内容贫乏,知识面窄,想象不丰富; (5)拼写不准确,标点乱用,语法错误较多 ; (6)卷面不整洁,书写不清楚、不美观。 五条对策: 应特别注意从内容、格式、语言、结构、卷面五个方面下功夫: (1)内容切题; (2)格式正确; (3)尽量使用高级词汇,避免语法错误; (4)结构紧凑; (5) 书写工整、卷面干净; 3.1 分配好时间之审题 第一,看清题目的要求和提示; 第二,判断文章的体裁; 第三,利用题目提供的信息,把握关键词和各 提纲要点之间的逻辑关系; 第四,确定文章的主题思想。 3.1 分配好时间之列提纲 拟提纲时要紧紧围绕提示句,尤其是提示句的 关键词,写出各段的主题句和主要扩展句,以及 段落之间的衔接。 3.1 分配好时间之写正文 写作时应根据拟定的提纲,遵循以下写作原则: ①主题句原则; ②长短句结合原则; ③ 一二三原则; ④短语优先原则; ⑤ 句式多样 ⑥多实少虚原则; 3.1 分配好时间之检查修改 ①时态、主谓、人称一致性; ②字母大小写; ③单词拼写; ④标点符号; ⑤是否有词重复过多; ⑥过渡词使用与否,是否恰当。 A Letter to a Friend January 10, 2011 Li Ling 632 Furong Road Heifei City, Anhui Dear Li Ling, How time flies! It is several months since I left home. How’s everything with you? As a freshman of computer major, I’ve come to realize the importance of computers in our daily life. We are informed that the number of computer users all over the world is shooting up and has amounted to over one billion by now. Computers are widely applied in the fields of medicine, military, education, business, etc. They are used by people for fun, work and study, and have grown to be an indispensable part of our life. I suggest you learn more knowledge of computer science so as to keep pace with the times. Beijing is a beautiful place, and I am looking forward to seeing you here. Best wishes to you and your family. Yours, Zhao Hua = 1 \* GB3 ① 如何写好主题句 主题句具有两个要求:结构和内容完整;观点和思想具体明确。 练习: How to finance your college tuition? A good way to improve your English. Exercises are very good. There are more and more private cars in China. The Internet is very important. The traditional Chinese medicine is good. I like music. 修改为: Different students have different ways to finance their college tuition. A good way to improve your English is to read more. Exercises can help improve your physical a



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