mysql的sql语法和常用函数(SQL syntax and common functions of MySQL).doc

mysql的sql语法和常用函数(SQL syntax and common functions of MySQL).doc

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mysql的sql语法和常用函数(SQL syntax and common functions of MySQL)

mysql的sql语法和常用函数(SQL syntax and common functions of MySQL) SQL syntax and common functions of MYSQL 1 data type MySQL supports all standard SQL numeric data types. These types include strict numeric data types (INTEGER, SMALLINT, DECIMAL, and NUMERIC), and approximate numeric data types (FLOAT, REAL, and DOUBLE, PRECISION). The keyword INT is a synonym for INTEGER, and the keyword DEC is synonymous with DECIMAL. Data type description bytes are recommended SMALLINT integers, from -32000 to +32000 range 2, store relatively small integers. For example: age, quantity INT integers, ranging from -2000000000 to +2000000000 range 4, store medium integers, such as distance BIGINT cannot describe super large integers with SMALLINT or INT. 8 store large integers, such as scientific / mathematical data FLOAT single precision floating point data 4 stores decimal data, such as measurement and temperature DOUBLE double precision floating point data 8 requires double precision decimal data, such as scientific data DECIMAL user-defined floating-point data variables of precision, depending on accuracy and length, and storing decimal data with exceptionally high accuracy. For example: the amount of money, scientific data CHAR fixed length strings, specific string lengths (up to 255 characters), stores variables that usually contain predefined strings, such as regular routes, countries, or zip codes String variable variable length VARCHAR with a maximum limit of 1; and the actual length of the string (up to 255 characters) strings of different length value (up to a certain maximum). For example: name, password, or label TEXT has a variable length string Variable without maximum length constraints; 2 + listens to actual string length to store large text data, such as news stories, product descriptions BLOB binary string variables; 2 + actual string length stores binary data, such as pictures, attachments, and binary documents DATE in yyyy-mm-dd format for example: 3 date storage date of



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