nginx分时段限制下载速度解决方案(Nginx time limited download speed solution).doc

nginx分时段限制下载速度解决方案(Nginx time limited download speed solution).doc

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nginx分时段限制下载速度解决方案(Nginx time limited download speed solution)

nginx分时段限制下载速度解决方案(Nginx time limited download speed solution) Nginx time limited download speed solution Recently the server to download some problems, mainly caused by the explosive growth of the number of downloads, the original plan is to limit the download thread 2, limit the download speed of 64KB, or do not want to, after the companys website is 10 megabytes, and time limit of the traffic demand, the night is relatively large, low traffic at night after all, the day is relatively centered, are facing the day crowd. We use nginx to limit the number of concurrent and download speed, configuration in HTTP, because the Java in the multi thread download breakpoint download, not the speed limit and the number of threads, it is troublesome to limit the use of nginx, which is one of the reasons why nginx+tomcat must cooperate. Configuration in http # limit client download speed Limit_zone one $binary_remote_addr 10m; Limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=rone:10m rate=1r/s; Sendfile on; Sendfile_max_chunk 1m; Configuration in server # thread Download Management Location = /jsp/public/download.jhtml { Limit_req zone=rone burst=10; Limit_conn one 4; Limit_rate 64k; } Now there is a new demand to change, use different time to download to download speed control, such as 23~9 9~17 in a large number of points can be the next night to measure, but nginxs global variable no time variable only Log which has the time variable $request_time, $time_local, no way, can only think of other ways, in the Internet for a long time to see useful is ngx_http_secure_download_module but I feel some trouble is needed to access the background of Java and then return to the reference Http:///NginxHttpSecureDownload Http:///index.php/archives/27 The way I use it is to determine the time by accessing the page, then redirect to the nginx and determine whether or not the speed limit is needed The general code for the JSP page is as follows String RT = request.getParameter (RT); { Validation / f



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