office2010安装常见出错代码分析及解决办法(Common error code analysis and solution of Office2010 installation).doc

office2010安装常见出错代码分析及解决办法(Common error code analysis and solution of Office2010 installation).doc

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office2010安装常见出错代码分析及解决办法(Common error code analysis and solution of Office2010 installation)

office2010安装常见出错代码分析及解决办法(Common error code analysis and solution of Office2010 installation) Office2010 installation error Installation error; installation error Installation error, common code and solution Common code and solutions, common code and Solutions Common code and solution Graphics tutorial Solutions, graphics tutorials, solutions, tutorials Graphics tutorial Disclaimer: This article is FBW personal experience, research and online forum data collection, without deliberately copying the original If you have any copyright disputes, please contact me personally. Office2010, to be honest, there is no obvious improvement over the previous versions of office, but it is clear about Xinhua Lis style still attracted many people, want to install it, and then quickly.. I succeeded in May 2011 for the first time Installation, but because of piracy activation, causing a variety of instability, such as lost icons, shortcuts lost Kyauk Jan can continue to use, but the heart is still a variety of unhappy, simply uninstall, reinstall. Unfortunately, uninstall Failure to cause a variety of problems with eggs, the following is the personal experience, as well as sorting out from the Internet A solution with parent verification. Synopsis: 1. how to clean and thoroughly remove pre installed versions of Office2010 2. installation error, etc. no write access to the registry permissions solution 3. installed coarse, 1902 and other fonts can not be registered solution 4. attachment Download One one by one A. . Clean Clean Clean, ,, Completely remove previously installed ones Thoroughly remove previously installed ones and thoroughly remove previously installed ones Completely remove previously installed Office Officeoffice The office version is Version is version, yes Version is a prerequisite for reducing failure Reduce the premise of failure, reduce the premise of failure Reduce the premise of failure In general, the office is uninstalled safely and completely, but v



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