小学作文分类及写作要点(Classification and writing points of primary school writing).doc

小学作文分类及写作要点(Classification and writing points of primary school writing).doc

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小学作文分类及写作要点(Classification and writing points of primary school writing)

小学作文分类及写作要点(Classification and writing points of primary school writing) Primary school composition and writing points,.Txt always be curious like a child, change like a young man, be as patient as a middle-aged person, as wise as an old man. My flash, trouble is not youth, but pressure...... When women no longer live, no lie, no longer subject to changing moods, no longer love. This article is contributed by Zhao Bingwen DOC documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view. Classification and writing points of primary school writing Write people: Seize the character, the character description of foreign trade do portraits. As long as good observation, you will find that each persons appearance is different from others, and appearance features, such as looks, looks, gestures, costumes, etc., often reflect the personality and personality of different characters. The description of these characteristics to do time for the service center of the article, the appearance description should strive to meet the peoples age, identity, experience and personality, must not appear stereotyped tendency. 2 grasp the characters, pay attention to the character language description, to do the. In life, peoples personality, career, age and time, environment and status are different, and their words will not be exactly the same. A persons language is his thoughts and feelings of the most direct revelation, therefore, must pay attention to the character of the language description, do the time. 3, choose the right example. Select the case, do not think that can show characters of moral quality are examples of things you should choose a shaking heaven and earth, the trivial representation of daily life, with little things to express the theme of the center. One Chronicle: This kind of article refers to the writing as the center, through the description of things, reflecting the characters, i


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