天津打造中国北方经济中心(Tianjin build economic center of North China).doc

天津打造中国北方经济中心(Tianjin build economic center of North China).doc

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天津打造中国北方经济中心(Tianjin build economic center of North China)

天津打造中国北方经济中心(Tianjin build economic center of North China) Construction of economic center of northern China, Tianjin city further adjust the positioning In extensive network Beijing on August 9th news to further enhance the international competitiveness of Bohai and Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, promote the coordinated development of regional economy, the day before the State Council on the overall planning of Tianjin city (2005-2020) make a reply. In the next 15 years, as the economic center of Bohai rim, Tianjin should focus on the development of Binhai New Area, and gradually become an international port city, a North economic center and an ecological city. This is the Tianjin municipal government deputy secretary general, spokesman Zhang Junyi at a news conference held at 9 announced. Concerned that, from 1999 the country determined that Tianjin should strive to become Chinas economic center in the north, now announced to build a northern economic center, Tianjin city positioning. Zhang Junyi said: the two overall urban planning of Tianjin city positioning statement, although only two words difference, but the change is great, gold content is very high. Following the development and opening of Binhai New Area into the overall development strategy of the country, the state has made clear for the first time that Tianjin should become an economic center of the north of China, and it is of great significance. Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences researcher Lu Wei said, from the regional economic development, the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta are the regional economy development of Shanghai, the tremendous drive to Shenzhen and Guangzhou, the economic center of the city, North China heart city also needs a strong economy to promote the development of the entire region, and at present, Tianjin has such a basis and conditions. From 1993 to 2005, Tianjins average annual GDP growth of 12.9%, the formation of electronic information, automobile, chemical and oth



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