牛津8A Unit8 Task.ppt

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牛津8A Unit8 Task

Unit 8 Natural disasters When was the snowstorm? Where was Sandy when the snowstorm happened? What did Sandy see the next morning? On Friday, 5 January. She was in the classroom She saw many people clearing the snow from the streets . Step1: Read the notes in Part A and answer: Step2:Complete the article Answers: 1.homework 2.go home early 3.shared 4.snow 5.wind 6.umbrella 7.fell 8. waiting 9. traffic 10.clear Step3 Read the article and finish the table Introduction Where did it happen? When did it happen? During the snowstorm Where was she? What did she do? What did she hear? What did she see? What happened to her? After the snowstorm Where was she? What did she hear? What did she see? How did she feel? Beijing Friday ,5Jan In the classroom shared, walked to bus stop wind many people waiting there--- lost ---, walked slowly at Millie’s home noise of traffic people clear the snow It was terrible P2-p3 p4 p1 How to write choose the topic 定题 What to write about Introduction During the natural disaster After the natural disaster Introduction Where did it happen? …. When did it happen? … During the earthquake Where were you? … What did you do? … What did you hear? … What did you see? … After the earthquake Where were you? … What did you hear? … What did you see? … How did you feel? … Topic _______________________ An earthquake hit Wenchuan 1. 2008年5月12日, 一次地震袭击了汶川. 2. 地震开始时我正在图书馆 3. 地面开始猛烈地摇晃, 我试图往外跑, 但玻璃碎片和砖头砸了 下来,墙开始坍塌 4. 最后, 响声和摇动都停了下来 5. 我知道我被困了, 我大声呼救, 但很长时间没人来救我, 幸好一条狗发现了我, 有人把我拉了出来, 我得救了. An earthquake hit Wenchuan on 12th May, 2008. I was reading in the library when the earthquake started. The earth started to shake. I tried to run outside, but pieces of glass and bricks fell down and the walls began to come down. Finally , the noise and shaking ended. I knew I was trapped. I shouted for help, but no one came for a long time. Luckily, a dog found me and someone pulled me out. I was saf


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