供应链 - 产品 - I2 - 供应链管理规划和建置实务.ppt

供应链 - 产品 - I2 - 供应链管理规划和建置实务.ppt

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供应链 - 产品 - I2 - 供应链管理规划和建置实务

供應鏈管理規劃與建置實務 ;Terminologies ;Why Supply Chain Management ;Supply Chain Management Basic Concept and Contents;SCM Components;Deployment of SCM;Strategize SCM;Strategic Decisions ;Plan SCM – Demand ;BEFORE 4 – 5 weeks 10 days 35 -70% 73% 5.5 ;BEFORE Less than 60% Reasonable Huge ;Plan SCM – Supply ;Challenges in Matching Supply With Demand... What Do You Do…;Herman Miller Turning the Tables on the Furniture Industry;VF Corporation slashed over tens of millions of dollars in inventory and enhanced customer service;JJ Medical improved customer service significantly while shaving over $40 million in inventory;Timken slashed over $35 million in inventory with appreciable improvement in delivery performance;Grupo Gamesa implemented SCM across six plants in less than 8 weeks and realized over $ 3 million in cash flow;Execute SCM?;Execution Problems… Are You Challenged By…;BEFORE Huge inventory at DCs Largely inaccurate resulting in stock-outs Excessive ;AFTER 95% Significantly lower Savings $ 60- 80K per month ;The Home Depot Keeping Its Promise to Customers Delivering On Time;BEFORE;Dell Computers High Velocity for Competitive Advantage;Iomega transformed itself into a build-to-order supply chain and will realize over $325 million in value;Why Invest in SCM? Business Financial Benefits;Why Invest in SCM? Business Financial Benefits;Design and validate your supply chain strategy before you deploy – define scope and scale Collaborate on demand and gain consensus for the most accurate forecast – execution Collaborate, optimize, monitor and control, production, inventory, distribution and transportation simultaneously across multiple enterprises – global optimization Execute, monitor, and review your SCM performance carefully with predefined KPI and objectives – operations evaluation;Thank You


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