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Chap. 13. Speciation and evolutionary change Key terms Adaptive radiation 适应辐射 Behavioral isolation 行为隔离 Biochemical isolation 生化隔离 Convergent evolution 趋同进化 Divergent evolution 趋异进化 Ecological isolation 生态隔离 Gene flow 基因流 Gradualism 渐进说 Multiregional hypothesis 多地区进化假说 Out-of-Africa hypothesis 出自非洲假说 Mechanical isolation 机械隔离 Polyploidy 多倍体 Punctuated equilibrium 点断平衡模式 Speciation 物种形成 Contents 13.1 Species: A working definition 13.2 How new species originate 13.3 Maintaining genetic isolation 13.4 The development of evolutionary thought 13.5 Evolutionary patterns above the species level 13.6 Rates of evolution 13.7 the tentative nature of the evolutionary history of organisms 13.8 Human evolution 13.1 Species: A Working Definition Species物种: a population of organisms whose members have the potential to interbreed naturally to produce fertile offspring but do not interbreed with other groups Key ideas: 1) A species is a population of organisms 2) The definition involves the ability of individuals within the group to produce fertile offspring Gene flow Gene flow 基因流 is the movement of genes within a population because of migration or the movement of genes from one generation to the next by gene replication and reproduction Ways to determine species Genetic similarity Those have a great deal of similarly are assumed to have resulted from populations that have exchanged genes through sexual reproduction in the recent past 13.2 How New Species Originate Two methods thought to be involved in generating new species: geographic isolation and polyploidy Geographic isolation means a portion of a species can become totally isolated from the rest of the gene pool by some geographic change Geographic isolation Geographic barriers Geographic barriers 地理屏障: geographic features that keep the different portions of the species from exchanging genes, for example mountains, rivers, etc. Subspecies and speciation Subspecies 亚种: genetic differences that accumulate may result


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