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9 4 V ol . 9 No . 4 2 0 1 0 1 2 J our nal of Y ang ling V ocatio nal T echnical Co lleg e D ec. 2 0 1 0* Ex cel A uto CA D 李峰博 张朝晖 ( 712100) : A utoCA D CAD Ex cel CA D Ex cel CA D : CA D; Ex cel; : T P317. 3 : A : 167 19 13 1( 20 10) 0400 6203 Application of Excel in AutoCAD Mapping LI Fengbo, ZHANGZhaohui ( Y ang ling V ocatio nal and T echnica l Colleg e Y ang ling Sh aanx i 7 12 100 China) Abstract:A uto CAD is a po w erful ch ar ting so ftw ar e w ith it s co nv enience in g raphics m aking but inv olved in CA D t o m ake the or iginal or der to f o rm table and curv e is qu ite tediou s . If the Ex cel tab f eatur e a pplied to the CA D it w ill gr eatly impro ve the eff iciency and eff ectiveness. T his a rticle elabo rated t he applicatio n of Ex cel f o rm creation and dataprocessing f eatures to CA D w hich can help in w or king eff iciency. ey words: CA D; Ex cel; assistant application 0 引 言 1 使用Excel 生成A ut oC A D 表格 Excel Of f ice A ut oCA D2005 CA D ( L ine) ( M ult iline T ex t ) ( Dt ext ) 2005 : CA D ( Computer A ided Desig n) ( 1) ! ; A ut oCA D A ut odesk ( 2) ! A ut oCA D CA D A uto CA D 2005 Excel A ut oCA D 1. 1 Ex cel A uto CA D [ 1]


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