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( ) 36 3 Journal of Zhejiang University(ScienceEdition) Vol. 36 No . 3 2009 5 http:// www.journals. / sci M ay 2009 DOI: 10. 3785/ j . i n. 1008- 9497. 2009. 03. 006 杨 定 华 ( , 6 10066) : 度量加的方法用于解决某些几何极值问题是卓有成效的. 利用杨路和张景 关于度量加不增加空间维数 的充要条件, 将度量加的一个基本的不等式推广到两 个实相关有限点集的情形, 它蕴涵了近期文献 的一些结果. : k阶迹; 正定H ermite 矩阵; 单形; 度量加; 体积; 几何不等式 : O 184 : A : 1008- 9497( 2009) 03- 270- 04 YAN G Dinghua( Colleg e of M athe mat ics and S of tw ar e S c ie nces, S ichua n N or mal Univ e rsity , Cheng du 6 10066, China) class of geometricinequalities of metric addition. Journal of Zhejiang Univer ity( Science Edition) , 2009, 36( 3) : 270~ 273 bstract: T he method of metr ic addit ion i e ential for olv ing ome pr oblem of g eometric ex tremum in di tance geometry . By u ing a gla of matr ix inequalitie and a nece ary and ufficient co ndit ion g iv en by Y ang L and Zhang J Z, of w hich the dimen ion of pace do e not increa e wit h metr ic additio n, the ba ic inequalit ie of metr ic addition in di tance geomet ry i gerenalized to tw o f inite po int et , a gla of g eometr ic inequalitie ar e obtained, in w hich o me recent r e ult are implied in di tance g eometry. Key Words: korder trace; po it ive definit e H ermite matr ix ; implex ; metr ic additio n; v olume; g eometr ic inequality 1 1, 2 , !, n n A 0 ( ) , =


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