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352 V ol.35 No.2 2 0 0 9 3                OP T ICA L T ECHN IQ U E                 M arch 2009 :1002-15 82 (2009)02-0280-04    基于光子晶体光纤光脉冲压缩的理论研究 李少晖, 杨爱英, 崔建民, 孙雨南 ( ,  1000 81)  :, 。 , 。 , , , , , 。 :;;;; :T N253    :A Theoretic research on optical pulse compression by using photonic crystal fiber LI Shao-hui, YANG Ai-y ing, CUI J ian-min, SUN Yu-nan (School of Op oelec ronic Eng ineering, Beijing I ns i u e of T echnology, Beijing  1000 81, China) Abstract:T he op ical pulse compression by u sing a pho onic crys al fiber w i h high no nlinear coefficien is discu ssed heo- re ically.T he high quali y op ical pulses compression can be ob ained by a f iber of shor er leng h.Accor ding o he limi a ion of such me hod for pulse compression, a novel me hod by u sing no nlinear op ical loop mirror based on crys al f iber for pulse com- pressio n is proposed.The heore ical resul s show ha he op ical pulse w i h low peak po w er i self can be compressed by u sing such me hod.Compare w i h he op ical compression by u sing a pho onic cry s al, he higher quali y op ical pulse compression can be go by using his me hod.A nd he pedes al w hich is g enera ed during he course of pulse compression can be inhibi ed eff i- cien ly by using he nonlinear op ical loop mirror based on crys al fiber hrough choosing he reaso nable parame ers of he con rol op ical pulses. Key words:op ical f iber communica ion echnolog y;op ical pulse compression;pho onic crys al fiber;nonlinear op ical loop mirror;crossing phase mo dula io n [6] 。。 1   


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