2011-2012英语 双语年国际十大新闻(2011-2012 bilingual ten international news).doc

2011-2012英语 双语年国际十大新闻(2011-2012 bilingual ten international news).doc

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2011-2012英语 双语年国际十大新闻(2011-2012 bilingual ten international news)

2011-2012英语 双语年国际十大新闻(2011-2012 bilingual ten international news) The scene found 57 bodies with bullet hole, some of which were beheaded, more than 20 women of the deceased was humiliated. Election violence in Philippines It is often seen. Only during the 2004 presidential election, as there were 249 election related violence, which killed 148 people, injured 261 people. But the tragedy is one of the largest, the most tragic scene for civilian killings in the history of Philippines. More than 20 journalists were killed in the tragedy, human history had never had such mass killing of journalist. In November 24th, in Philippiness capital Manila, the students held a memorial for murdered in hijacking hostage. Shen Jizhong Unrest in Thailand forced the ASEAN summit to cancel In April 11th, by the Thailand supporters of Democratic Alliance against dictatorship siege meeting, the ASEAN summit scheduled to be held in Pattaya, Thailand was forced to cancel. Since the Thaksin regime was overthrown in September 2006, the political turmoil in Thailand has lasted for nearly three years, various political forces around the Thailand regime should adhere to his course produced sharp differences. The political changes in Thailand reflected in the capital against former Prime Minister Thaksin high streets and back lanes: the route of the yellow shirts last year blocked the airport, he praised the letter route of the Red Army to the ASEAN summit visli. Analysts pointed out that the ASEAN summit was forced to cancel not only make Thailand national image, also make Thailand economic losses, especially as the pillar industry of the national economy, the tourism industry suffered the biggest loss. Thailand public opinion also believes that the streets of political movement to make peoples lives have been seriously affected, so that the national interests become the victim, yellow shirts and the Red Army dispute will only make people suffer. As of April 11th, Pattaya in Thailand, police


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