2011年七年级生物下学期期中生物试卷(无答案) 苏教版(2011 grade seven biology midterm biology paper (no answer) Su Ed edition).doc

2011年七年级生物下学期期中生物试卷(无答案) 苏教版(2011 grade seven biology midterm biology paper (no answer) Su Ed edition).doc

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2011年七年级生物下学期期中生物试卷(无答案) 苏教版(2011 grade seven biology midterm biology paper (no answer) Su Ed edition)

2011年七年级生物下学期期中生物试卷(无答案) 苏教版(2011 grade seven biology midterm biology paper (no answer) Su Ed edition) Check the quality of semester seven grade biology A RadioButtonList (please fill in the answers questions after the answer card; each of 1 points, a total of 20 points) (1.) the life is precious, life is the birth of the new starting point: A. B. C. of fetal mature sperm, sperm egg binding D. mature eggs (2.) Xiao Ming on the junior high school, found himself gradually grow a beard, the voice also changes. And these secondary sexual characteristics are directly related to the material is: A. prostate and uterus testis and ovary B. C. eggs and sperm D. male hormone (3.) zygote cell division is the place A. B. C. D. ovarian fallopian tube uterine placenta (4.) as the saying goes: people are iron, rice is a steel. The growth of the human body needs a variety of nutrients. With the body to absorb nutrients is related to the system A. system B. C. of digestive system nervous system D. in urinary system (5.) the following groups of material, which is composed of the material of the human body, and the body is the material for the A. fat, carbohydrate, vitamin B., protein, fat and inorganic salts. C. sugar, fat, protein D., protein, inorganic salt water (6.) the body will suffer from a lack of vitamin C A. B. C. D anemia nyctalopia scurvy rickets. (7.) the following habits, is easy to form dental caries After A. mouthwash, brushing in the morning and evening B. favorite snacks, eat more sweets C. love to drink milk, eat more meat D. eat more calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D in food (8.) to the organ is the secretion of bile A. B. C. D. gastric salivary gland liver pancreas (9.) including the composition of blood A. serum and blood plasma and blood cells of C. B. cell plasma and erythrocyte plasma and platelet D. (10.) the following pipeline flowing in the arterial blood is A. pulmonary artery, left atrial aortic and right atrial B. C. pulmonary vein and left atrium, the


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